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Advertisements & Notices

... JIbl trelantou~. THE CONFIDENTIAL ADVISER ON THE EVILS FROM DEBILITY AND GENERATIVE DISEASES. 49, GEORGE-STREET, HULL, Vearly Opposite thre lleclaniCS' Isrstitute; Private Entrance, Krngs.Place, Dock-Sbreet. ESSRS. I. I. DAVIS and Co.,SURGEoNS, Ml and SOLE PROPRIETORS of the BOTANICAL PILLS, may be personally consulted at their Establishment, f rom Nine in the Mornivg till Nine at Night; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? i >\ F OR DANTZIC (DIRET,) the F fine first Class Brig EXPRESS, Capt. EDWARD BENNINGTON. 1W Will Sail with the first Spring Ships. For Particulars of Freight, &c., apply to GEO. MALCOLM & SON, Union Three Crane Wharf, 22, High Street, Hull. PORT OF HARTLEPOOL. A N important arrangement has been con- A cluded for the amalgamation of the LEEDS and rXfRlS RAILWAY with the STOCKTON & HARTLEPOOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of TWENTY-FIFTII EDITION. ae Iliosprsted bY Yfi ArRatomical Coloured Engravngs on Steel. re ONl e QUALIFICATIONS, GENERATIVE d IIfCAPACITY, ANDI IMPEDINiENTS TO MAARRIAGE. A ?? 1i9 pagesprie Is.Gd By post direct from the Est blishseilt, 3E. 6d. il postagestamps T H E SILENT F R I E N D. 0A Medical Work on the exhaustion and 3, .-1 physical decay of the system, pr1oduced by ex- _ cessive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *~~~tip4ptg. fi LK UL AND HAMBURG.- Powerful First-class Steam Ships. EVERY TUESDAY EVENING. (Carrying Post-Office Letter.Bags.) - The ?? 11th and 25th MAY. The LEEDS ?? TUESDAY 18th MAY. As soon after 6 P.m. as the Tide permits. Chief Cabin, £2; ForeCabin, El. JOSEPH SANDERSON & CO., Agents, Hull. R. M. SLOMAN, Junior, Broker, Hambro'. CHANGE OF DAYS. flH ULL & NEWCASTIE. . al1 11`(Calling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _0 toe el an Cot6. - - Hi U B B S' LOCKS, FIRE-PROOF I SAFES AND CAS II BOXES.-CHUBBS' PA. Tt:NT DETECTOR LOCKS give perfect security from alse keys and picklocks, and also detect any attempt to open them. Thcy are made of all sizes, and for every h purpose to which locks are applied, and are strong, se- cure, simple, and darable. CHUBBS' PATENT LATCH, for Front Doors, Counting-house Doors, &c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lr eitt LET~ TWO_ ~WAE~HOUSES, Nos. 16 T id6, ilOOD 055's-L~lr, loesls wtijh good North Aj igt.woll adapted for anty D~escription of Woollens. Apply Mat ts~.K~IALL~on the Premitses. 01st1 IiAREHOUSMETO- LET.-A capital IVR -toi uOS. aiute in Pilui-LANPI, with good North 1~b5, ~sr~enocclptd b Mr Jaes rosey.There is an ~~~opent:Hldra~hlO-Pir~kiflg Press, with other 'etxtrres, anti A ~ ~siisblO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,C PIIISIED, In otav, prce 1., (or 17s4. Per I Ill and also inl dulidecimlo, In octave, price ?? 21., (or ?? per loltl,)ON N AL 11 TpTi NATI01, on hellljl~t urol~t~ltina, and dangeouois.Measule of Statea Estuciatt ?? BrEWR lleES, Jt.N- Also, by thle ers;I3 Anthor, and at the Fame Prices, LLr'llTO TIlE MOS'.T NOIiLE Til1E MAIIQUIS OPl A LA'NSZ~~V, Presdel-t of tile Couticil, CIn theGoliiN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E~DSB OUH SESIONS.-NOTICE JJit hereby given, that the next GL\SEIIAL QuARTlERt OF TIEiIEACE for the Boerougliof Leeds, in thle St, X b Ycll0holden beforO T FXASILOWNR ILIS, cr00n 2har,rrdSP. the Fourth Dayp of March Ieext, at Nine of isthe k'rri tleFretnoon. at which time and place all Jurors, ,als. police officers, P'rosecutors. Witnesses, l'eisofli ?? tat the soeld Se5slMI~CE is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L E E D Si/RADESMEN'S BENEVOLiNT INSTITUJTION. The Committee of this Institution refer with pleasure to the increasinX ?? which it cosititelse to receive, andt ceSpeCt- fully iotimnato to. the Donors aitd Subecribers. that iii ronse- teuce of suc Increase in its Futndls, tie litstitittion will tlis Yealr be enabled to have an EX'TRiAORCDINAxRY ElLECTIoIN 0t EIGHT ADDITIONAL PICOSONS ?? Femsles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,LAI3IES ESTABLISHSENITi SYKES-HOUSE, SHERBDURN, HEY eturs Thnksto her numerous 1VJ~rleds or hei kin Parongeandbegs to inform the I 2'wssfs~sX~s whn se wll e bupyto eceveher Pupils. rv DOARINGANDDAY CU~OL OR TUB EDUCAIC1ON - OF OUG LDIS, IOE~iAT, ONTEFRtACT. Gent stdy b srit ttntontoth iteea nd hapiness ofer Fix Dutes f he chol ?? 'wnty'-frsl iDV, U47. Seo~o MJISS JEROMNE, (Successor to Misses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAI.E 01' PIANO FORTER. Mr. .1OTIN HEt ?? bis rrcc;ivw-d >Iustrue'iolisto SELL BYT AU CHOI)N, ?? Cotri s 511(A15 t Slibit BU(l~iFr NasILD- rNis, LarES, en1 111vitd~i/)irt. tic ?? October lasealt, O ,~NEi 1'ie-'ITbned, SiL-OC1t-siV0 ~euolsd-ffind V CABINLT P'IANO FORT2, by-Irroadwoods. ONE DITIO, ISix. Ila~ve Square. do. by D-:atltty. TWO GiRANDi SQtAtti, Six Octavo. llerwdc.. by Bowman ONESod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D U CAT I O N .-CLASSICAT,, MATIIE- 0 o Pi MATICAL, LITERARY. AND COMMERCIAL, for Y Young Gentlemen, at the GRANIIAM PCHOOL Of KMtMuLY, f Yorkshire, under the immediate Superintendence of Mr. ALEX. MiCLEAN, A.B., G a Graduate, In Double Honors, of Trinity College, Drblin, and e late Vice-Principal of IKilkenny College. e Mr. MiCLEAN takes this public method of informing ir Parents, and others ...