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Advertisements & Notices

... WVOODLE'FORD. SALE OF HOUSEB.OLD FURNITURE,_PIANO FORTE, VA AND EFFECTS. 5 AIr. .OION- IEPPruelias roeivolve. Instsuotions from the Ex- e ecultors, Of shle late Mr. John Blroadhsead, of NWoodlesford SI eteresaid, to SHTLs~Liby AUCTION, on tine promises. ess bln- Ic rls, ileet, 'the, Fiflth of June, 14411, ALL ;the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNI- Al At- TO RI asndt other EFFECTS, consisting of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITINAIGRE DE BORDEAUX.--WINE, V VIEAI el ooe. stefnst and purest of all. Dr lre n hs ?? ed. 10411J., Art. AceicAcd )5ptttitg f ineViegrremarks, whnt the f Wineares~el~llsv~edit i prferbleto every othier for the Sol tlroielott te htidon, y Cemsts, Grocers, and Si Wino ?? maye lernt from thek Sin- orc porters. ?? W.AND S. KENT AND SONS, Ti' Uetsnl-UPDon.Severn. 315255 CO no CATLIN'S NEW WORK,.a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PlERFEOT FREEDOM FROM COG10 IN TIN MINUTES AFTER VBO, And a rapid Cur of Asthma and Consumption, and a Disorders of the Breast and Lunp, i insured by 1R. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. D I CURES IN NECASTLE. Read the following Testimonials from Mr Newman, Its, Mosley streat, Newcastle:- Gentlemen,-I And an extraordinary demand for Dr Locock'e Wrafers, which is the best proof of their real utility. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0btijppttn. OR PILLA1 AND KONIGS- JOP B ERG the fin e AI British Schooner t JOEIN LAVERAC, Capt. THxOMAS MaZROBIS, loading in the Junction Dock, and will Clear GEO. MALCOLM &SON, Agents. Union Three Crane Wharf, 22, High-Street. Hull, Juno 22ud, 1848. OR ELSINORE AND k'&w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN ACCOUNT CURRENT of the C0OBDEN ANATIONAL TRIBUTE, FUND, to AprI1lf9th, 1840. Car CooMAn r o E . Cu e The Mater or Manchiester. Thele ayor of iialfocd. Mark phlllpC, rM.11.1Ml. Rtichalrd Motley Brij 91 ilner. (ii isoji, ftsq., R).P. Robert MuniCC Chi 4. ilcoiCrtell, Ecl l, Ml'. JamnesTIl'Laren La) Josapb ituCilO, EOCq.,N.12 t Ili enry B [CICC Ilyc ?? Asltoll JainesM TiP Cnel Rbobrt Aslhton ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *tipping. F OR SALE, a Small PLEASURE l I F1 YACHT, cutter rigged, nearly new, well adapted for the Humber and Short Sea Voy- ages. For particulars apply to Mr. It. CORTIS, Minerva Holel. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joe ~ i'ii~OM £300To £800!. TOiBE ADACD 'JUL! NEXT. try ~~FOR THE WoZIVKINLG MILLIONS._~. wo ~ ~ HOEF YBY TOS MAN AND HIS FAMILY., of tJ six ?? Bibi .#d UNTDPTIT'.AND - PATRIARCHS', ?? RAt QUITABLE9 LAND. AND :.'.U.ILDING BNFT~C~Y d *'v 'rI~ ?? ' ~ Lo~selis Q~ioe-NO. 18,Tottenlham OorNWlad tP LB~ o ?? WftLXAEm Rcirr, Secretary, comn ot. Airranged in TreelSesitions. PaymneftslI ?? ?? c,&. e 5k ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR TH{E WQ'tKI ZV1y ~INDUST IOUS M:AN: AND HIS FAMILY. A ROMEC FO~ VR NUTI A U[NITED FA-TRIVES-AD1 TRACS )rQUTA LND ND -BUIbDING, BENEFIT SOCIETY, a aEnrollS8 an ~d Epowerd by At to Parliament toetend oveer the United Khingdom. S. DOSIOOI, E5Q..M.P'. TnOMS WAISLL!, 7e. ..B .CRIL EqK? Duidoul;,_4 s, 36 Q.- SlE~ er ee~hnt Nxii6Dh~eicIAM Jer Eie ?? = ~CWiLL& £eedLfi oa oiIcS. TotteobBzliCourt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conctdwihtll' ?? ot prvc stad aeO j~ondonwo l. 0~vl or by letter, ait ?? ,i becn~sulted petioflelY. Oxir JItretLoull- SI Bcii 1 Meor5.strebtt Ixodte TL n o ,tsix 'Austomical Engravilags 'on Aperd 31i05triited by Tweny- It el.. saints - tiehs~i, ne~ aidimprovd edition enlarged to 196 pages, pricoe amt nosSd.;byprost, dirct from theBstabliuhlmsnt, Se.d 54.mela ,2, oil - by post, dir ~ ~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -: AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR PILES, FISTULAS, ?? ABE RNETHY S PILE OINTMERNT. ¶TTHA apanfal nd ioslon ?? thke Piles I and consporativsly how. few f the affiilatd hers bTAe'-Verm,-.1 HAeT.lpanu earnd nrdinary apoal'. to Medical sliill! This, no doub% arises from-the use or poworful-aperlents; ?? eqntlebureolba orinaryb te eS ; ng internal *edisis shauld &beysk gmoldoed all ON ffqiheabo 6ie rbltue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERFECT FREEDOM FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES AFTERkUBB, : -And a rapid Cire of Asthma and Consumption, and a Disorders of the Breast-and Luni is innsured by . LOCOC{'S PULMONI0 WAFERS. CUREU ' B lI N WCASTLE. Read the following Testimonials from Ur Mawsorn, it, .Mosley-street, Neweat21e:.-' Gentlemen,-1 find an' extraordinary demand for Dr Locoaksi'Wafers, which' Is the best _proof of their real ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at IV. -Ont 2'ucSday 21'.Vt the 73IelltieS instent, at Two o'Cloeck. ait tile alid Kg,SA11. lROOM, 10, NOR~TH ,onx-.ril1WT, AV 5200 Bale IL RT & PO(RT ADE, GAIDL, (eX quiet FJi[ Bilis. Sovrceigo) WOOL. per D: 27 RalsIN RE V Z CALA Nit ) 10. III GERMA N LAMBIS' Ito.F 10) f I I(IolS and title MNERtINO BITENOS a AYRES Do. Balob .5 ,, Fine plotted MERINO, pait Snow Wlite Do. - IL .LUSBON DO, onl ...