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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... I FFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS E!J CALLOSITIES, &c., WITHOUT CUTTING, or ealsin the slightest pain, by Mr. EISENBERG, Anthor of Pracis Exposition on the Human Foot, and Diseases sf the Feet., Mr. EISENBERG'S system is at once novel, and based upon loaZ experience; it has received the sasetion of the Royal Fanelies lurope, and the first of the nobility and gentry, he having Iby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bed EW DAILY NEWSPAPER.-The TELE- tile tL GRAPH & COURIER, price Twopenco. The pares and rof columns same size as the present morning papers. The First * Number to be published on Tuesday, tho 19th June, containing iare 1rigial, parliamentary, law, police, monetary, foreign, home, r to colonial and sporting intelligence, telegraphic despatches from the Ia seat of war, &c. All fromn special ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U,,LAND ROUTE.-STEAM1 to INDI~Aana ,jr EGPT-The PENINSULAR and1 'LT4f STEA AVGTINCOMPANY BOOK PASSEN- g'icegods int pirreels for tire Medliterranrean, EgYPt, tilt av COi Ion, M~adras. rtnd Calcutta, by their imail packtI Alt,'Srrtmmiiil o, he 4th ?? 20th1 of ecerY mou'th ; aordfor by tsin of tile 40h Of thoe Month. ~ }ed1~ paticulrs, rppl at the Counpalty's offices, 122, ?? Lttlitaud Orlental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~NOTICE TO MARINERS. BEAUMARIS BAY. 'RINITY HOUSE, LONDON, NOV. 27, 1865. Ills Corporation haying caused a Buoy, painted fliack, to be placed ol tho Ten Feet Bank, off the bentEcranCO to tholdonai Straits, bereof I7s hereby given, and that the said Buoy lies in 384 oCsv° Wator Spring Tides, with the following marks and Yv 'iS h natrseof ?? Maur, just itouch- Jb st p art of ffin Island t.. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'SEBN FAILiWAY.-The VAUTX. t11 V IIlI be (TaUC OPENED for PASSENGER -f1' ly order, AterloO atintil, Aj ril 14, 1856. -RN COUNTIF RAILWAY.- -ET itICES-CREAVEN MEETING, 14th to }40KRA145 run between London and Newmarkst t.r c, i'leci LoNDON. 3d Class, duo at Newmarket, 11. 6 a.m. . dJC (EUiCk) ,, ,, 11. 5 a.m. ,, ,, 7.4 p.m. I-i'fbld°1CU'l (Express) 7 48 P ral, ' d ° Class (Expreso), due at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW LABEL.-In Vonsequence of the ie. 4.1variety cf Counterfeit Labels or A. ROWL4AND I sofS' MACASSAR OIL now in circillation, V,&er, pe' kins. Bacon, and Co., at great cost, and hy a Peculiar proess their owvn, have succeeded it) producingt from steel a ) E\Y L EA vwhich cannot be forg~ed. It is composed of a ?? of all enmil turned circle, repeated one hundred and thirty tdinetnnalilfc an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1o t r T iI-)IJ -N ,irvci,~ r rcdr*, r \lip 1 er, 751 totti rcg~itlr, l S. ~rcddveosci, built exuressly for the Airs 01 ,ca poop, w~ith li rstrott ?? G c art,er, arid will cacrr in caporionredr %ur- cc fo pi rCIPPER LINE -Fir SYDNEY. el lbtl ?? favurite clipper SHIPS, all built at Aber- i ~~0,l4no~flfirer of Welter, Hoeok, arid Co., will be i ~tOE iect, with tire greatest purnctuality I Ora ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0lt\0 IENTRANCE TO 'THE THAMES. AVDDITIO(Nit LIGHT. .lp,INlIT1y-llOUSFb. LoNDON', JUNE 5, 1850. T Ilsllg 0f the rl`,co% Chal,yel, an i' iditifonal Lisght hal! I'll Ithwar . loieis horebi' eler, that, previoutl~y to %~Intcl ?? a LIGHT VESSE6 WIII be wlioor- on the line] a b t. Illidway holveeelt ?? the I~ Id thma ii, l) REVOLVING L.ICHT wl fle 10cC ~ inand after thle evolin of thait lar.V I. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3THEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE. W Lessee, Mlr. E. T. SMITH. In consequence of the extraordinary and unprecedented success that has attended the introduction of ITALIAN OPElt Lessee begs to announce that he has entered into arrangements with Messrs. Cramer, Beale, said Co., who have succeeded in pre- vailing upon Mine. Grisi, Mine. Gassler, and the other emuient Artistes, to forego their Continental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNPORTANT to SCHOOLS rand EDUCA- et CATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS. COLLINS'S TWOPENNYimproved HEAD-LINE COPYIIOOKS, e0 tcp. 4to. Collins's Twopenny Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. e, CollinssThreepenny Superior Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. Collins's Fourvenny Superior Engraved Head-lint Copybooks, ,ost Ret. 1. Initiatory lessons-2. Combination ef letters-3. Combina- t tion of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTBAM to CONSTANTINOPLE, calling at T S GlIALTARalid MALTA.-The new steam-ship STELLA, G. C. StII, Comnianrlaer, jS intendedl to sail front off the British ant Foreign SteamWlarf, for the abovc ports, on Sunday, the A 11th list. Goods for shipment to be sent to the ltritisli and Fo- . reign Steaml Whaif. Lowr East Smithdield.-For freight and pas- E. sage ripple at St. Petersburg Steam-Ship ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tHE BEARD, WHISKERS, and MUSTA- ?? unprecedented success of ROWLAND S MA- CASSAR OIL in producing these ornaments of manhood is uni- versally known and appreciated, and is recorded by numerous te-. timonials and certiflied by the highest authorities. This ail just nuates its balsamic properties into the pores of the head, nou- rishes the hair in its embryo state, accelerates its growth, ...