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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NOTICE. InI 3 ols., post Svc., THE LADDER OF GOLD, R Ani English Story, By ROBERT BELL, Author of Iv ayside Pictures in France, Belgium, and Holland, &c. IS NOW BEADY, And may be had of all booksellers. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street. THE BARONESS VON BECK. In 2 vol3., post Svo., with Portraits of Rossuth, &c. h ERSONAL ADVENTURES DURING the R. LATE WAR in HUNGARY. By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, J)RURY-LANE.-LesseeI wid Manager, Mr J. ANDERSON. -11S EVENING will be I piesoented the iew cnteiedy culled THlE OLD LOVE AND THE 1Majo Stock, Mr. Emlstol * NEW. Sir A. CoUrtoeY it, Ar. Cooper; Mo Stock, Mr. 3mr; Capi. S. tUrtoutn, Mr. J. Anidersini Mr. laythorn, Mr. Jarrett CInc l a.MrtC.Selho v M. ?? CherrY Boutnce, Mre. W. LS0y. At wibn) aS newZV operetta1, 31iB e THE 1 CADI' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~ -oT LYITTELTOIN, CANTERBURY O1 hii;½i m ,1 ?? 1'/.:r11 ai~trla'~ Iti1t-ol1s alo- I' 2: 11h, oll : I fl~i. IxCaliulin'r Welr oh: t 1l --tll I oi1ly.o ''iolb l XII.XX 1y.-l 01 i IIIN'i'll 121: -Nilico tI 1111 F ?? C 'it -W i,-ri C tiL vx1l1rivy 11111 l,1e .ait'ihU' ill*itO'Iitillajilhtol~liId( Villi l ,t aml ,rh, 2. each., ii lt t II~ii rlI iC f 11. the I-oci' - l ii It 2NI 11) I NtS ?? ,iLN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-Lessee and Manager, Mr. J. ANDERSON. -THIS EVENING will be pre- sented the coinedy of TIlE WVONDER. Don Felix, Mr: Janics Anderson; Colonel Briton, Mr. 11. T. Craven; Gibby, AMr. Emiery; Donna Violante, Mrs. Nisbett, Donna Isabella, Mrs. Barrett. Aftorwhicb, tle new grand operatic spectacle, called AZAEL, the Prodigal. Reuben, ir. Vandenhoff; Azacl, Mr. J. Amidersoa; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to UENOS AYRES BONDS.-At the MEET-I B~IN(,t of the 11O.NDIHOLD~ERt, brid at tite London Tavern, RI, on, Ainy 22,OEPOEt~,i ?? ?? DANID OIIJ1N 5qi ?? SCd,1 It wvas resolved- des. I. That Slit period ha. utidoubtedly arrived whcn, opon every principle of naional good faith, On tie part of Buenos Ayres, anti LIley ofgo eligon the plirt Of licr, Governmsent, atidt of contutolt affic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORT pIIILLIP and SYDNEY.-Regu- C f5?ii0' sliip.To leave the East India Docks on 5j?5 ?Pls mouth on the 1st dine, the a mud new HOX0L?GB CASTLE, Al, 13 years, 1,110 tons to Messrs. Green, of Blackmail), Eow.snn hour Sct ? ,,j?p ?ift5 vc?y superior aecoinsnodation for dde and siecrage passeliters, ss ith full poop and i,,, ? miii carry an experieliced ?? to the Consuisuder on ho.srd, or to F. ?, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f'THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- 1 Immense Success of Mr. Balfe's New Opera, THE SICILIAN BRIDE, which will be played (for the fourth time) TO-NIGHT; and, in consequence of the excitement attendant on the Iperform- ance of Rodolfo by Mr. Sims Reeves (in addition to tise exertions wf every artiste corcerned), he will perform the chiaracter each evening of his engagement; this evening with Mdll. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UENOS AYRES ENGLISH DEBT.-A B PUBLIC MEETING of the BUENOS AYRES BOND- HOLDERS will be held at the London Tavern, next Wedneeday, the 23d of June, at Twelve for One o'clock precisely, with the view of considering the Present State of their Affairs, and any matters relative thereto that may be brought before it. Aleo to afford the Commliittee an opportunity of laying before the Bondholders a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antagoni tic to Sophistry, Prejudice, and Eaplriclusi, .11; Werd- cuts, 41 cases. 2 vols., Is. each; by post, Is. W.L, Ox SINGLE AND MARRIED LIFE. To be or not to be, that is the qteqtfioo), By R. J. CULVEB',WELL, M.D. (1841), M.R.C.S. ?? ?? (1fJ24), 25 years Medical and Forensic Beferee In thes c lieatlers. Prograimme -Advent of Puberty and correspoadiyl As-ocia- ?? andI Casualties of Singla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-I Firt Nght I P'URITANL.OQETEE First Night of New Ballet, LA BUVQsE re. THIS EVENING, Saturday, JW3ly24, Will he presaicted Bellhii' opera,. I PUR~ITANIL Elvira, Mme. do la Grange; Arturo; Sig. Gardoui; Riccardo, Si. De Bssi; ad o ad Ps, by Millie. Carolina u tire course of the Ro00a1d1p11 Rosati and Li. Durand, aueaprtibyL l t, e ntitled To conclude Nvith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY AUCTION. Shalbourne, Berkshire-The Ba.shot Estate.-TO Si', Capitalists, and others. MR. DOE has beezi honoured ivith ilstracii 1 s to OFFER to PUBLIC C031PETITION atthi Hungerford, on Wednesday, October 20, at Three for F1`T s cisely, the above valuable FREEHOLD ESTAf I ell for investment or occupation. It is situate near the pv ' !,ealthy village of Siralbource; is within twelve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Valuable Freehold and Copyhold Properties at lligh Wycoclo Bucks.-By Mr. VERNON, at the Red Lion Hotel, lligh IV combe, on Friday, August 27, at Two in the iferri af , direction of the Trustees, acting under the will of John liE deceased, , Substantially Built and Tiled FAMILY RESIDENCE, having a froiitage of about fifty fel, : handsome elevation, very pleasantly situate at ...