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Birmingham Daily Post

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Birmingham Daily Post

Advertisements & Notices

... A PUBLIC HOUSE. WANT'ED, an Old-licensed HO'USE, in a cen- ?? situation in Birminghba.-Apply by letter. stating par- ticulars and terms, to B. W. C., No. 1, Bedford street, Leamington. 4U A Gentleman residing in a healthy and pleasant J neighbourhood of Liverpool, is desirous of rceiving into his family One or Two little IGIRLS. under twelve year of age, to be edueated along with his own ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No notice of Marriage or Death can be Inserted unless authenticated by the name and address of the ?? of Births are charged for as advertisements. DIED. (is the 4th inst., st Derby. Mail, the bbloved wife of Mr. George Hugbandl forn e~r of thius tow~n. On the 2Ith ntt., a ad 63 years, Mr. George Eaton, of the Tamworth Annm Inn, Tam mor&; much and detervedly respected. rTO CABINET MAKERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wublic goticeg. THE QUEEN'S HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM. AT a Meetini of Sabscribers to the Queen's A Hospital, held 1ovember 3D, 1857, at the Provident Society's Ilooms, Ann Street, Mr. Councillor HEATON in the Chair; It was moved by the Rev. Dr. MrLLBR; seconded byXf. I. WELH, lsq. ; and uesolvce uasifsnously- That the Subscribers to the Queen's Hospital be invited to attend a hleeting at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? bm (uRtwn. SFAFFORDSHIRE. VALUAABLE 'MINERAL PROPERTY, At PALSALL TO BF SOLD BY A UCTIOX, -PYMr. HENRY FARRINGTON, onTUTES. A-PDAY' NEXT, December 18ith, a4t te George Hotel, Walsall, at Four for Five 'lock in the at ernoon. aubset to conditions then to belsroduced-al that very valuable and compaed FREEHOLD PRO. PEBTY, situated at Pedsall, in the county Of Stafford; consisting of Four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -DARTNER WANTED, in aiiestabl~ishedlManu-. .. facturing Concern, where thsere-is a Patent for an Aricle in great demand. A persevering youtig Man, with a capital DI £loo., would find the present a rare ?? of entering baiiness.- 'Addrteeeby letter, with full particularse B. 31, Daltv Post Offtce. f202 A Lady, living in the nei ghbourhood of Haiids- A worth' havijg a larger House 'then she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ART IF ICIAL TEETH, AT Ifs. EACH. Which cannot be detected by the closeet observer, and which ZVEYR CHANGE COLOUR NOR DECAY, Mmufactured and adapted, eD ae to firers perfect meetication end ?? by~ MR. SKTELL, SUnZ0N DENTIST, WRILL.HGVTO2, B.RUILDINbGS, BXNNBPJ TrS HILL, Birmiwhwae. Attendance Daily. Consuitation Free. 126 TOHN CASSELL'S splendid ,ANORAMIC. MAP of InDA measuring 22 inches by 18 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W I LIAM LOMAS HARRISON, (for fifteen years Chief Clerk to the late James Christie, mmlK aineej}: A C C O U N T A N T, 38,- BENNETT'S HILL, BIRMINGHAMf ^ 14 T. UINDERWOOD'S FINE ART REPOSITORY, UNION PASSAGE, BIRIIrINIGHAA. N OW on VIEW and SALE, the celebrated N OTURnE.I LEGACY DRAWINGS, made by the first Wlter Oolour Paintere of the day. Admiseion by Address Card.r29 TO LANDLORDS AND TENANTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VllbtlC notated. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM. QUA RTERIY BOARD of the GOVERNORS A& vill be held on FUD nT NAT, th t lhth instant, at half-paut i'welvs o'clock precisely. WILLIAM B. HUGHES, Ser . Board Room, 11th December, 1887. 9982 SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. rTHE ANNUAL SERMON in behalf of the above .L Society will be preached ?? in St. Philip's Church, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Eattf bV Auction. THIS DAY, (THURSDAY.) ro WOOLLEN DRAPERS, TAILORS, AND OTHERS. PEREMPTORY AND POSITIVE UNRESERVED SALE, Df a large STOCK of WOOLLEN GOODS and READY-MADE CLOTHiNG. GENTLEMEN'S HATS,. ho., (under a Deed of Aesigument for the benefit of the Creditors of Mr. John Rayner, of No. 88, Smallbrook Street, Birmingham.) 1MIFESSRS. LUDLOW and DANIELL will SELL by AUCTION, at the Auction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS BOOKS, AND JUVENILE BOOKS. CORNISH BROTAERS have now on SALE the LuoGEST and 5'NE&T COLLECTION in the MID.L. COUNTIES. Catalogues gratis and post free. CORNISH BROTHERS, THE JOURNAL BUILDNoS, 37, NEW STREET, BIRfINGEAM. SPEOcIL NOTME-Be particular in the address, Cornish Brothers,' to prevent mistakes. NEW HONEY. TJI W. EOLDSWORTHI has just received a s ag upply of veer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ako bg adction, THIS DAY, (ArONDAY) AND TO-ORROW, (TUESDADY.) EXTENSIVE SALE OF A STOCK OF DRAPERY HABERDASHERY, 300 DRESSES, 100 PAIRS OF WITNEY BLANKETS, &c, STANLEY ROBINSON will SELL by K) ?? assgs Birmingham, STrOCK, & Partieulara may be had of thelAuctioneer, 44. Union Passage, M- mingham. ?? FOR SAfLE, A BARGAIN. TWVEeLVtE Mahogany CHAIRS, covered in A Mahogany Pedestal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... falet bg ,uctton. PEiREMPTORY SALE OF HORSES, CATTLE MARXET, WOLVERHAMPTON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 1~Y Mr. GEORGE 'BROWN, TO-MORROW, B f(W ednesday,l December 23rd-Seven useful CART HORSES, a COB, and PONY,. (removed to the Cattle Market, Wolverhampton, for convenienoe of sae.) Sale to commence at Twelve o'olock, rTO be LET, a convenient HOUSE and SHOP, T with Plate Glass Front situated at the ...