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Birmingham Daily Post


Warwickshire, England


Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Birmingham Daily Post

Birmingham Police Court

... N. itillinflally volice Grart. YESTERDAY. Before the .Mayor, and Messrs. H. Souith and W. L. Sargant. DISTURBDANCE AT THE TnEATsR.-Benjamine Elwsells, living at the back of 106, Benacrce Street, electro-plater, was brought up by Police-constable Mitchell, charged with being tipsy, and making a disturbance in the gallery of the Theatre, on Wednesday night. He was obliged to be forcibly removed. ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... NirmillOam Nalthrupg (Court. YFSTERIDAY. BsFoRR MR. REGISTRAR WLSON. In Ir He nT j Faeiteminthsj e, Wacsaun, aats due tore Crofts &C.-.-This was an adjourned meeting for wthe supotseadmatio ofi the bankrupt, attended by DU. Knight, (of the larm ofxamesnaondo Knight,) asagent for Alir. Wilkinson, jan.,f thesalI, ?? assig nees an Mr.E. right for the b ranirpt. Thle meeting, it will be ...

The Probinces

... I Qf vrfbiltrfo. ATTErTEDm MURDER IN PRESTON GAOL.-On Friday morning, a ferocious and most determined attempt at mur- der was perpetrated in the gaol at Preston, by Thomas ~ershaw, who, it will ha remembered, was committed for trial on the 16th nlt. on a charge of parricide, at Over Dar- wen. Two orderlies ware in constant attendance upon him, and on Friday morning, about twenty minutes to ...

Law Intelligence

... X.AluttIfigma. COURT OF EXCIHEQUER.-AFnBRuARY 12. REGINA V. WITEELEY.-SUNDAY TRADING IN PUBLIC HoUSre. This was a special case for.*he opinion of the Court, arising out of the conviction of two Justices under the 9th Geo. IV., e. 61, sec.,21. The case stated that the defen- dant was proceeded against before three Justices for penal- ties for keeping, his public house open for the reception of ...


... ACCOUNTANTS AND TEE BANKRUPTCY COURT. On Saturday last, at the Bankruptcy Court, before Mr. Waterfield, Mr. Kettle, accountant, attended at the request of the Court, to state why he had delayed giving up the books of Mr. Samuel Griffiths to the official assignee. Mr. Kettle stated that he had applied to Mr. Kinnear, (official assignee,) as a matter of convenience and favour to allow the books ...

Birmingham Police

... girilliqlpill V?lh SATURDAY. Before Mr. T. C. S. Xypanersley, A SHAMEFUL QuESs.-Sarah Ttlompsoss, a young female living in Little Bow Street, was found on Saturday morning, about one o'clock, by Police-constable Crisp, in the Horse Fair, drunk and disorderly. To-day, she said she was ashamed of herself. Claxton, the head turnkey, stated that she had been twenty-five times before the Dench for ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... Ilimitiml Nallfirliptq burt. SATURDAY. BEFrORE Ma. REoGsITRA WATER5FILD. In se Mary Anen Haywood, Shrewsbury, ?? meeting for the last examination of the bankrupt, attended by Mr. Allen (of the firm of Hodgson and Allen,) on behalf of the assig- nees; Mr. A. S. Craig, Shrewsbury, to oppose for certain creditors; and Mr. Edwin Wright for the bankrupt. In the course of a some- what lengthy ...

Birmingham County Court

... ?? &-otg (fad. YESTERDAY. BEFORE Lizuon TRAFFORD, ESQ. ASSAULT BY A MASTER ON HIS WOOIDtt3AN.-TWENTY POUNDS DAMAGEsA vA.IDE).-Goodi5ui V. Cormilt.-In this serious matter plaintiff, for whom Mr. Elems, of the Midland Circuit, (instructed by Mr. Edmonds,) appeared, is a journeyman carpenter its Coles- hill Street, and defendant, who retained lfr. Powell, is a master builder, in Bloomsbury Street ...


... CAPTURE OF A REFUGEE IN ENGLAND. ARREST OF AN ENGLISHMAN IN PARIS. The Chambre des Mises en Accusation on Friday received the report of M. SalIl, substitute of the Procureur-G6nfral, on the attempt to assassinate the Emperor and Empress on the 14th January last; and it afterwards decided that Joseph Pieri, Charles de Rudio, Antonio Gomez, Felix Orsini, and Simon Frangois Barnaid, (the latter ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... girillillfiallt NUWtntRtcg (fart. YESTEiRDAY. BEFORE MR. CoXsMeSsIONsE BAIAoUY. In re Busrford and Thompyson, Bradley, ?? for the last examinatis of the bankrupts, adjourned to the 15th March, on the application of Mr. H. Wright, (of the firm of E. and H. Wright,) who appeared oa agent for Mr. Underhill, Wolvorhamp- ton, the balance osheet not having been filed. Official asstgnee, Mr. Whitmore ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girmilgtam vDW cart. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. T. C. S. KVnnersley and W. Middlernore. e')ERACrORY PAUPEe.-BmmaBowen, who has been before the Bench times innumerable on similar charges, was again placed in the dock, charged by James Edmonds, porter at the Workhouse, with breaking two large squares of glass in a window in that insti- tion, on Sunday morning. Prisoner generally conducts herself, ...

The Probinces

... Qt V- rdians. THE BARDSLEY COLLIERY EXPLOSIoN.-The inquest was brought to a close on Monday, the jury finding that the explosion was the result of a short, or blaqt, and that it was consequently accidental. The deaths to the present time are fifty-two in ?? News. SUSPENSION OF A DORSETSHIRE BANK.-The suspension has been announced of the Blandford Bank of Messrs. Oak and Snow, in Dorsetshire ...