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Advertisements & Notices

... CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. CHRISTM.AS has ever been rendered doar to the lovers of friendship and hospitality from the many charming soci-alities connected with it. The exuberance of the feelings amid scenes of gaity induces the fair and youth- flj to shine to advantage under thse gaze of many friends, and therefore to devote increased attention to the duties of the Toilet. It is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -RINTIING of all kinrds executed as CHEAPLY - TE;AT4Y, and EXPEDITIOUSLY at the H0ll Pacr Oflllc, b aV a,'ly Oflicc in the town. _ -DISEASE OF TIlE EYE AND EAR. T 10 . TAYLOR, Stlrgeon-oculist and Aurist, 35, WY.LGor~ge-street, Hull. Hours from Ten till Four. Tk'srsMON(ALS. Mr. Bristow, fainter, of Barrow-on-lfumiber, has suffered frotn Ileaftsms with his left ear, and was cured inia short ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bitppweg. ~. T ETEAM FROM HULL TO COPEN. IC)uK t HAGEN AND MEMEL. The Fine new Screw Steam-ship LORD CARDIGAN, JOHN ATKINSON, Com. mander, is intended to leave Hull for Mennel, calling at Copenhagen, on TUESDAY Evening, the 24th inst, after nine p.m. GEE & CO. Hull, 12th July, 1855. i ,VEI Y EVENING TO BELFAST, .. iLONDONDERRY, and the NORTH OF IRELAND, vK;. Fleet- jh 3ii !4iS wood, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. WRITING PAPERS of all descriptions may be W purchased at the Hull Packet Office, 22, White- friargate, as Cheaply as at any Establishment in Hull. ACCOUNT BOOKS MIADE TO ORDER.l 11YVALIDS USOE PORTABLE ELECTRICITY, AS EVOLVED FROM MEINIG'S GALVANIC EL EC.T-0-/GE R A TO . FOR PERSONAL USE. [TS efficacy in Rheumatic, 'Functional, and Nervous 1 Disease is truly marvellous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL NOTICE. H E FIRST MONTHLY MEETING of the T SECOND KINGSTON BUILDING SOCIETY es dll take place onl WEDNESDAIY EVENING NEXT, 01 April 7th, at Seven o'Clock, in the Grammar School, ot South Church-sidc. ,J C UN NINGHA 31'S w PATENT SELF-REEFING TOPSAILS, &c. ni 7ESSELS FITTED or BEING FITTED, now in w V the Port of Hull. Vessels. .ss Oners. ai Leopard . essrs Brownlaw & Co. st Dowthorpe. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .- . - II . S.,DE~a OF ?? BAAG0'CE RATED MEDICATE]? SO0A PS, For Ablutions and Baths. TAR SOAP ?? Rtingwvormns, &0 L, TURP TNESOAP.. ?? Swellings, st TUOD -NINE SOAP. ?? ?? Scrofula. H SULP~hR SOA ?? for Impurities in the Blood. st COD LIVEROL SA . . for.. General Weakness. gm IRON SOAP ?? Strengthening after ExhaustiOn. th CAMPHOR SOAP ?? ?? Ulcers, Cramps, &c fri ROSEMNARY SOAPfothHed GALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GE;NTLEMAN, having a fewv hours at liberty in A the Evening, who is intimately acquainted with A¢ounts end Bookkeeping, i8 desirous of mneeting with ?? W. W., Post-office, Hull. TANTED, as Clerk and Traveller, a Young Man WV who has a knowledge of the Oil and Colonr Trade. Security required. Address X. A., Hull Packet-offceo. rTANTED, a LOCAL AGENT for every Town YT in the County of York, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _- 44n ?? HULL TO LOVDOV 4 / WITI{ o Vl~A jall WATIIfr LONDON eve EDNESDAY ad t as follows :- DAYT | Saturday, September 5, at 10 morning Wednesday, ,, 9, at 12 noon. Saturday II 12, at 1Ift Wednesday, I, 6, at 3 afternoe00 Saturday, ,, 19, at 10 noorerlien, Wednesday ,, 23, at 11 luorunlg. Saturday, , 20, at 1 aft-o Wednesday, ,, 30, at 2 aft roeort Returning from London Bridge Wharfi, NESDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOR SALE, BUILDING LOTS and GARDEN F1 PLOTS; have gable ends adjoining. Money on Sdcaurity.-Addrees No. 133, Packet Office. TO PERFUMERS AND HAIRDRESSERS. T O BE DISPOSED OF, a first-class BUSINESS (of J 25 years standing) in the above line, tlhe present ocoupier intending to decline the same. Any person being desirous of commencing, and having at command from £150 to 2200 for fixtures, stock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL AND HAMBURG. E1VERY THURSDAY Evening, E Steamers BRITANNIA, Captain ' Jager; U RANIA, Captain Paulsen. tA I s THOS. W. PETERS, Agent. Offlie-Colonial Chambers. DANISH GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. :EGULAR LINE of First-class fast ?? between H U L L, COPENHAGEN, and KONIGSB ERG. One of the Comnpany's Al Steamships, ODIN ?? 490 tons ..Lieut. Dunsfeldt, R.N. L. N. HVIDT *:.80O tons .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM TO ST. PETERSBURG. TuI E magnificent Screw Steamer T GERTRUDE. 700 Tons, will be despatched from HULL for the above p oh tport on the 2ud July; to be followed j weekly by other first-class Steamero. TO STETTIN. First.class Ste.lmxers sail weekly to Stettin from HEll. Apply to Z. C. PEAR-SON, COLEMAN, & CO. TgEdAf TO COPENHAGEN & ST. PETERSBURG. Boi - IHE splendid Steam-ship LEOPARD, weri ...