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Advertisements & Notices

... OR SALE, a very handsome light round-fronted F Brougham.-Apply to ELWOOD end WINTER. B ALLAST FOR SALE.-Apply at the.East-riding Ironworks, Sculcoates. P EARSON'S Land, Boverley-road--Front Lots will P be Sold in th; order of application. J. ,. JACKSON & SON, Solicitors. RIvER FROITA GE, CHUBRC'STREET SCULCOATES. g-0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, sa PLOT of GROUND, containing about 800 Square ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !ro THE GOVERcNORS OF THE HULL AND SCULCOATES DISPENSARY. mrY LORDS, LADIES, and GENTLEMEN.-Mr M Walton having resigned the offioe of Surgeon to your valuable Charity, I beg most sespeotfuily to offes R rayself as a Candidate for the vacant appointment. Having been for several years connected with some of the largest Provincial Hospitals, as House Surgeon, &a.; and having had much experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THliE HULL PACKET.X-Buyerg of the Packet are respectfully informed that upwards of fifty: Dews vendors are supplied with the Packet at 6 am. every Friday morning. Any subscriber resident within the limits of the borough oan have the Packet delivered before 8 a.m., if ordered of a newsvendor. Mr Habberehaw, 16, Norfolk-street, delivers Baverley. rord. Mr Colley, Chariot-street, delivers Spring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AdOXLE'S ANTIB[LICUS AND FAMILY. ~j ~p~RfENTPILLS.-These poills are composed of the ildst eg~~b~apere45ts, with tile pure extract of. the fowes ofthe amoiils and combining aromatic and tonic awl efund the best remeedy for indigestion, ikheadaclho, acidity or hsartb~urn, fistuiency, spams &c-Pepaedonly by JAMES COCKLE, 13, 'Xer~ Ormsd-eteet Lonon;and to be had of all medicine vendors, B-LAIR'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM FROM HULL. EE & CO'S. fist-class Paddle-wheel G and Screw STEAME:RS (weather and casualties excepted) will be des. ato epatched to the following destinations FROM HULL TO HAMBURG. The well-known Paddle.wbeel Steamers MHERALD ISLE ..Captain ROBERT LANCASTRR, On SATURDAY EVENING, the 4th July, HELEN MACGREGOR . Captain R. J. KNOWLES, On SATURDAY EVENING, the 11th July, And every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIE HULL PACKET.-Buyers of tbe Paeket are T respectfully informed that upwards of fifty news vendors are sepplied with the Packet at 6 a.m. every Friday morning. Any subscriber resident within the limits of the borough can have the Packet delivered before S a.m., if ordered of a newevendor. Btr Habbershaw, 16, Norfolk-street, delivers Beverley. road. 3r Colley, Chariot-street, delivers Spring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITES. E Under the Patronage of Royalty and the Ariato- cracy of Europe. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL. This Elegant and Fragrant Oil possesses extraordinary pro. perties for promoting the growth, restoring, preserving, and beautifying the lluman Hair. Price is 6d, 7S, ?? dd (equst to four Asmall), and 21s per Bottle. ROWLANDS' KALYDORi This Oriental Botanical Preparation ?? a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL DOCKS. NEW SHARE CAPITAL. Dock- ofice, Hull, M1arch 12th, 1865, r7HR Directore of tbe Hull Dock Company will I. Continue to receive for a limited period applica- t'ons for the allotment of the new £50 Shares, for Oawrning into immediate effect the worksauthorised by the 'Hull Docke Act, 1861. These Shares will bear interestfrom the time of pay- mlont at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _[ X HIIULL PA.CKET.- reoeipt of thirty-mix L1sta~ge Stamps the Packet in sent poet-free, for tuelve vla, to any part of thg kingdomu T H HULL TIMES hba a circlation of upwards To Six Thousand every SatbrdaT, aud Isl the Clheaepest Family Newsspaper in the country. This i a point of great importance to Advertisers seeking io bring their Announcements before thw eonsuming TIULL WEST DOCKS and, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION SALES * CARRIAGES. M R. N, EASTON will SELL by AUCTION, In lMlL at the George Hotel, Hull, on TUESDAY next, at Twelve prompt, SEVP ERA L EXCELLENT VEHTIOLR. :149 OWTHORN. Of FALUABLY TYTRE RENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, hel by bMr. NA'UTHANIEL EASTON, at the George Or Hotel, Whitefriar;ate, Hull, on TUESDAY, the Se- hei cond day of June, 1868, at Two o'clock in the after- up noon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mu i. FlUEND 1N NEED. Now Edition, 210 pages. X.. Au entirely new anid original work 00) Itlrrige, tU duties arnd husndrances, the Causesi end Cure of Nervous' Debility, relaxation, languor. 1lstl Imness, local weakness, 3ains in the hack and loins,,grave*l. etOse, Mont, rheu- JOnatlsm, lumbago, loss of memslory., dins f*Ii4*. lindigeation, , ouh aslis & ; ither 'preeeriptlons In a 30111ri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE 2'EIS DA . TO STONEIASONS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS ELLS & WALLIS have been favoured with .W instructions from the Assignees of Wallis and Tadnan, Stone Carvers, Churobh Decoratore, ?? Aunlaby road,, BIoll, to SE-LL BY AUCTlION, OD heb Premises, on FRIDAY. Xa j, 1865, a t Eleven o'Clock] in the Forenoon preoisely, tbe wbole of the Sl'OCK-IN 21 TRADE, WORKRING TOOLS, &o, cornplisiflg Flags, I ...