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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO SUED CRUSHERS AND OTHERS.-' TFOR SALE 'BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, the OILO ILL and PREMISES at Stoneferry, excellent4' situated on the east side of the River Hull, at present in thfe ccupation of Mr. Cooke; together with a good DWELLING-HOUSE and GARDEN, and several COTTAGES adjoining. -For further particular' apply to Mr. ENGLISH, 180, EHigh-street, Hull. TO FLORISTs. HlE last PUBLIC SALE, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Noticts of pplicatiom to Vadiamenut. In Pisriawient.-!iS~iiofl 18.57.- ?? LNE A N- ) BKATF0K'D RAILIVAX.- 0 4 lJt, 11ti. i.n 't 11 lewyN b-, Es'W Is. tcaihire 11 ilualr Counpiplty, OT h~11W *ilil'l I. i . v IV rutlillays I~ll sttionsf in Went littilin ~h lf'lra.ridi.l !o e-'ilinpaie, wingi~ the ?? of II1 ?? oein 01 ?? relatilng to LoEat Wisaceuhire acid other tist clin loi..) pains ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Music Hall, Alblau-.9trret. Leels.' D1are Old Crusted Port, and other chicije WInesc of matchless end extraordinary quality, the superabundmnce of an impartant private cellar. Mdessrs. HARDIWICK are favoured with instructions from G. J. Ansley, BEg., (about to reside p rmlutently hi the East Riding), to Bell by Auction, on Mlonday. Ole 'l'rcstll-yourtii day of 2Vsvesiirr ~ssinstan at the Music ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE BENEVOLENT. &- F. J. SM.EETON respectfully inform the t f? -55ry-er of Clothing Clubs and Charities, that their Stock 3 JI90 large, they ateprepared to supply Flannels, B1lenkets,- 1111 ~ :c of every description, on very advantageous terms. ie-,1teealctioig sveral Orders for Clothing SoclietiEs. flor sfrois Cjlergy and Gentry connected with Charities, who lied by R. and IR. J. S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R ~~~E D. t D red's milklieg a Joist hers ?? elsewbere; B red bidls t1aif 5sjrefl.,iting tbpdreadful prepare; i Drdof the co 4 reeking rtrt %tsefs 'is moving: .8 rled of winter keep BA]AI u vr aprvn; I Dred this above all, hisl 'res ,~III~~r all dreadI Deed ?? s0 mitc as being ?? t Y Broil now that writer Itit sotuided 'biA ote e Dredt facing the cold wifiheult a Great Ce,. 3t. I-)red as we ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4putbhi Notiats. rAD ONOERT.-Yfr. CHARLES HALLE G re-sss.lftilbyarinouncesthattbewill give a GRAND CONCERT .ii~ ~ iAlbien-street, Leeds ?? Evenfiety, ioveenber iA- ?? hen the following enminenit Artistes will appear.- NeiL MISS STABBACH. AH. SXINTON. SIGNOR PIATTI. MIR. CHARL1.S HALLE. sI eats lininiiered) 3s. 6d. ; caleou 2s. ; gallery Is. A planetf s~ea's may be seen, and places taken, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Io be -Eet. j F 1ET, a BED and SITTING RooikI, unfmr- gidied. ,eithinteumintite' walkofBriggate. Applybylotterto .itW31el Xellington-street. Several good HOUSES, in Cobourg- 1streetar;d Queen's-place, Leeds. Inquire St. Colourg-street I with immediate possession, and in hobollgr^air, No. 1, WCODSLEY-TERIZACE. Apply to Beeh Grove-ti rrace. -besr5TsTb, TWO HOUSES in Britannia-street r sod ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I.- ~ ~ ?? ?? f,IADIFS' 17DUCATIO-NAL IN STIT`1TION,q No .S,1-~aov cneto with thre Leodd melechi& VfICALT MUSIC. Ilveniri li-a- fir Adult ll'r1ttlea. i Thi; clais wviI cwnrrnrr,7-ii, redresdau, Deer-mnci- ThIrd, curt w~ill c-Iuitilnu, to be~et inu lb.I Wde-a -vlig -ii303:0 'ihiciir- b l ?? ?? by 5r r. Jrniet Witilaul-ou, Milrric 7I Preccl-trir. i mln 4so. Ier quarter. ?? nteingth ejls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,, ales it ~Auction. ON llTHRtiDAYV. ,,4qg ?? -' ritd - S,1t by Attion.t i 2ir Sitri. --t-,iLo o,li, a,-esdsy next, - o2 *ro' Titan ?? Iell' UA\T ~Yof H'4NP)DFLTRNI lUELP Ilnlngi ilio ie ?? pit cetP John L. ofn. sixga I C, 'ase hlar -id with balls anul cues con: flY I ghO n` ?? iuti.e I).r en y i-hairs, hii sties Chats, armncar, e pirl . 'f-et oil, wttld'ttoivtilpet osre'ils. &ic. do.. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ?? __CONCERTS, Music-HalL.--THis ` SIGNOR. BSCO5. the Great Wizardofi'the World, 1) spiegleid IEANiS of LEGHI3DEMAIN, 4c~. hi r itnt s a, S&dSaleon-6d 4allery 3d. - J. 14r.'DICE1Th1&som. nOn. Seci. gCo' B ()Oi D13s 00!!! I #~tthe MUSIC-IdrALL. J3 of himeirds having'been tsrneelawayfrom the doors, Ir~~~eolemA hav mae arangments with 'Sen. A. Bosco artitber~wo NGHTSMORE Mon anda T~uesdray next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vublic Wottces. EST RIDING of YORKSHIRE SPECIAL BQ W ADIJOU tNED SESSIONS for the APPOINTMENT of a J CHIEF CONSTABLE.-NOTICE is herery given, that a SPECIAL Tow,, ADJOURNED) SESSIONS of the PAEfor the West Riding of MAC the county of York, will be held at the Coart-house, in Wakefield, onl thist Fridayp. lhe .Fourteenths dea of Novemercr niext, at twelve o'clock~ at the r noon, for the purpeee ...