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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... * -. * - ~ -J. a1 j jI,1J GilKOF' SPMCTALPAYR-- f ?? be bete in the 14lies 11i-, ?? c, £~ -o Cfc.55'QIi' 0t U -'Wct and c'Oacise- at c1 r's ceo' 31-STOW-N MIIISS ION.-The TVYWN'T'V [{ij ?? ANNI'JRSSARY of the I/aGc5- M'I icn w 'I b'i -s the Muost 1ai,0 A,2ion-ptrcct vs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS BEFN EVO0L EN T or STRANGERS' The ANNUJAL MEETING of tbe above SOCIETY wil be held in. til 30 clttnics' ru. titut ion. FThis Eveninqg, at seven o'clock. The MAYOR P~anics Kiteon. Losj..) in the chair. HENRY sAmI'ON, JNO. M. CIARDIIER., )- l1o. Secs. WAI. RASLEHUEST,) A 2078 A 1-GERS' GRE T CRi~ pSJBoar-Lane. Leds. CU S OPEN EVERY EVENING AT SEVEN. By the hirnd Permission of thle Right ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,1 gE HULL PACKET.-Buyers of the Packet are T respectfully informed that upwards of fifty news ,,ddra are supplied witb the Packet at 6 a.n. every friday morning. Any subacriber resident within the ii~its of tbe borough can have the Packet delivered 0,fore 8 a.m., if ordered of a newavendor. jrGrindall, Sisters'-terrace, delivers Beverley-road. rShepherd, 8, *Witham, delivers Holderness-road. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JNICHAEL.sTRBEET, PORBTER- STEET, HULL. 0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, TILin One or more -Lots as mlay be agreed upon, all those TWENTY-FIVE MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES, eight of which are situate in a street leading out of Porter-street, called Michael-street, in the Lord- ship of Myton, and the remainder are situate behind the same street, and form Eliza's-place and Simiuson's- buildiags, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PATENT LOOKFAST' BREECE-LOADING GUN. 0 Gentleman ebould purchase a Breech-loader without learning the principles of the Lockfaet, the solidity and shooting powere of whieh are gained by a patented mecbanism, which can be applied to no other gun without infringement. By this construction the barrels and breech are locked together bv powerful leverage. Equally adapted for Sporting Rifles. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ip {ILli-O~iIIC r .Ik lLL, Huddersfield.-SISTERS SMEC~Ife10 ARTITURt NAPOLEON, VIEUXTEMPS, andj I'A f~tsy I Vedo P rdaa, J,,eaan-y Tieaty-s1'eosal, at Mr. WVOOD`,~ pj COYC'E(T:t cosolwmliL in time for Train to MAirdield, Dewiibe~ry, Ij-IBEA (TRE ?? VAL, Hunalet-lane ed.Th GOGE1'OUs 'S PNTOMEIIE, ?? Seven. Grand r~HE LEEDS RIFLE GAZETTE.-The Fronli-s- T1.p -o-, d1cimoitM 1, T. Sutclitle. Es1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0NIGHT.-The Rev. J. P. CHOWN will Preach Tijn the Baptist Chapel. Hun.slet, this Evening. ,Saryvice atiseven. A COLLECTION in aid of the Chapel Funds .2 2 217-1 flELIGIOLJS FREEDOM. -THIS (Thtirsday) At EVENING, January Thirtieth, a LECTURE wvill he given its the P1hilosophical-hiall, Hnddersfielrl, by the R1ev. .J. G. ROGERS, B.A., of Ashton-rniner-Lyne. Subject-A State Chinch, false inl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. 411Leter i osrrr to Adeer rsemws throngh, the tr-iarir aref10e ra'arsd~ Co the Proper parties, tand the printers ?? no ,,reco ?? seer them. lt 'AtrlirV,a (1fl1ptarrl ltter (sad nu ?? reoisa that ap.tcst re to 4 s-rile, ertis set to at almsonalitt 4APlstivalts she uld not in anly ens,' Sendonurl testnoiassilg. utt copies onls. NPatitns,~ ~ARTNE.R WA~NTED in the Wass , no ?? 0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P 1I A a nd AN N1TE TT9HE TRE OYAL, Hitolet~lcne, Leeds,.- -h A.tORG*iil.S PANTOMIM1E, RE:,: to is'thisi, at Seven-. Granll~ Sacrtss -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , ) thatthe renli overmict, have ?? of FIIANIAI- ?? o tit lse-eatsalCATL SOWfo ft tok, il b iA ethical prey Pame ~it~higke reinonetotfreil thespeifictio fithe slifteren. elases tetweeii Itand 4o'clok. at he trnch Cn anl,,tiee, Ii, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PATENT LOCKFAST BBBECfi.LOADINW ot G UN. '£ N0 Gentleman shoold purchase a Breech-loader, without learning the principles of the ' Lockfai't the solidity and shooting powers of which are gained by a patented mechaoism, which can be applied to no other gun without infringement. By this ?? Fi the barrels and breech are locked together bv powerful leverage. Equally adapted for Sporting Rifles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 71f extent to which oar space jor news of general inkerest is often wrenched upon by accounts of Club Anniversaries, the passing of Legal and Medical Examinations, Treats to Worlpeople, and private entertainments of various kinds (all o] which aere of very limited interest) compels us to announce that such accounts can ?? be inserted only as paragraph advertisements. We are also compelled, ...