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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... NUBt used di ill tress Eati ?? t1101 alt ii coint nbsi fe t 911 0 )1Ullt tota ?? f tie 99t3 Ifag( tota II the Its. ,174 ave yeai- ,torn ?? 111il0 flOIJ [,I. ry c al Alas' littls afor- ?? ilf,] lead ?? ilute: o thb 0010 ousts mm ant it em n e3x l0ght otllo ioiter teom ittliseC me for ted by titior sf tlit 5730 yal Uary oil ;and even 't;oi- It 01] fton lay, ?, at 758; 3. fAY. last 12, 4£2. SccLC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C~_aIks bu) ~Xtufton. MUSIC HIALL, ALf3ION-SIREET, LEEDS. A. SMATLL, PRIVATE, C0iTJOTIO('T N OF VTALU BLE OIL PAINTI-NUS. b[casrs. HARDWIC ICS atid BEST have received for lieremptory Sale by Auction, onl ll'c e.dceuy. 1kv ?? tscoddno alzuary ilso!., at the Music Mall, Albiorn-street, TLep,fg, An Sall PRIVATE COLLECTION of Valuable A ?? PAtN'TI',oc,. wiesetiting several fin~ speciuiens, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by the rzev. JAMESI PA.RSONS, of York. Ionig, 10.30, LEeulng t.30. After eaob Service a Collection ?? be made toweads the fundo, of theC Lceeds GeneralInfirmary. D) 1176 BEDS REFORMATORY 80.1100L.-The LArAnual -MEETING of this institution will be hehl in the Grana ,Jury Room, Town Hlall, on Monday next, the Tiventleth, inseapti, at twelve o'clock. The Mlayor to preside. ED)WD. JACKSON, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN HALL, Leedv.-The GREAT VICTORIA THALL-- Ani HOUR WITH THE VENTRILOQUIST--On sathrda,w Ermline, Tv,n1-a-JlftA Jeoanwir, 1562-DUNSCAN MAC- MII'.ANs, Deq. Doors open at moenCO, to commnence at eight o'clock. Di 1700. 1HP, PANTOMIME will he Introduced at the T. T PERFORMIANCE, 0oSauray at SAITGERS' CIRCS x two o'clock. B14 TjIHEATR RO A ,Iunislet. Lane, Leeds, crowded -L nightly ?? Tl Te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINESTEAD, EAST-RIDING YORKSHIRE. 0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, L all that Freehold MANSION-ROUSE (known as Winestead-bonse) with the Stables, Carriage-houses, and other Outbuildings, Garden, Pleasure Grounds, and Premises thereto belonging, situate at Winestead in the East-riding of the County of York, now in the occupa- tion of Charles Wilton Goad, Esq, tngether with about 800 ACRES of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ip {ILli-O~iIIC r .Ik lLL, Huddersfield.-SISTERS SMEC~Ife10 ARTITURt NAPOLEON, VIEUXTEMPS, andj I'A f~tsy I Vedo P rdaa, J,,eaan-y Tieaty-s1'eosal, at Mr. WVOOD`,~ pj COYC'E(T:t cosolwmliL in time for Train to MAirdield, Dewiibe~ry, Ij-IBEA (TRE ?? VAL, Hunalet-lane ed.Th GOGE1'OUs 'S PNTOMEIIE, ?? Seven. Grand r~HE LEEDS RIFLE GAZETTE.-The Fronli-s- T1.p -o-, d1cimoitM 1, T. Sutclitle. Es1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FF F -cp.EC.IAL PJ1AYER.-MEETINc~S xx ihe It'held inl the Music Hi'I.ailolst, , ?? witin twice and C-intalt le it iitttciio~k. 1,S(,14A LLeeds.-For ONE XVEEK.-Comn I-fX~t ?? 1ith. I' S-,IdSTlERIS Sl.H A 4, , 1 u Scv tt rVX91 utte nt-t Etieiric HN'TERTI'iANNlpTr Acitt't''t 1i ?? flout pean at Half-patstficscn, conitucelce, .n Eight. fl5Q 1HEA RE OYA , Humit-lncLeeds.-By S.-Ce-the t at two p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The externt to 'wkich our space Jor news of general interest i8 often trenched upon by accounts of Club Anniversaries, the passing of Legal and Vediral Rzawrinations, Treats to Workpeople, and private antertainments of various kincds (all of 'which are of very limited intetest) compels us to announce that such accounts can henceforth be inserted only as paragraph advertisements. We are also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Macc *nft ~s. I), ?? t .l. ?? ?? ?? at the t 'a.S Saelt tlocewi ?? niltifp, Livcrpool, A,0O balw; EAfTi' DI A and r,9har wool l. Apply to It. W. ZONA.D and SON, Wool BEi k.t A V 734 0l ?? the 'IIn at Ir-z 4i d ilst., ?? lowing d;ys, it the ot i otl Salc-rolom ExdlallUP b dildilngs, Ljiverpool, 2,000 13a;cs Eglish aeid .orleign WOOL. Apply to W. ZtOMAME ?? CO., rOok-ci, LiVerpool. F 9SS ?? Sadc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FP HEAT E ROY~l }Iunslt-Lanc, Leeds. L TISEUELV (l'e~~s~ey)GRNDFASHIONABLE Giad Tansormtio Scne-estn ad Dogswilpsteya- U9HE PANIOMIME will he In~trodullcd at -the D-AY ~ .L PERFORMANCE, on SuluetfuY, at SANGERS' CIRCUS, at B, two o'clock. I 164 se T ST, Yesterday, eith in the Corn Market, Wadle- ar U lane. Camp-renili or Rckisgani.strct~l a GREy BAG, contain- nog a urn cf lMoni-v. in g,l'l. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *IoIbip, &rc. _ialR%. Stlelc-Rooms, Somth-Street, Dewsbury, ou Wlednesdayl, January 20th, UNGO RAGS, 10 alm.; MUNGO, 2 pan.; ILL Thulxrsday. JanUa1y 30th, SOFT RAGS, 10 a~m. * SHODDY, &c. 2 p.m. HENRY CULLINCWORTH & SON, Auctioneers, F 1783 OTralford-Road Sale-Rooms, Dewsburv. Mr. B. EASTWOODin the above Rooms, will on M1tonday, Tovesly- scl'enth Janutary 162, offer for Competition by Public ...