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Advertisements & Notices

... ~EEDS RELIEF FUND for the Sufferers in the LJCotton Districte.-The Meetings of the Cemmittee will, until . fosther notice, he held on Mondays and ThoredaYs, at four o'clock hint attendance wnill he given by the Secretarico for the purposo Of receiving Hi subscriptions and answering tenqoiries, On Mondays from four to eight a) clock, and on oilier days freon four to five unclock. EDW. JACKSON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jVubifc_ 'ctfcs L ETS PATENT OFFICE.-Patents and Registra- L tio of Desgs, e. ffce by J. B. SHARP and BEG,, Patent Agents, 18, East-rPcodo,T Leds_ 35 ItI a IVETIONS SECURED by PATENT or REGIS- 1NTrAT`ION. on nooderate ten s, by application to Mr. WILLIAM( .BROOKCES, of nisprards of 25 years' eaperioence in such matters, Tritish antI Foreign Patent Offices. Il2, Charicery-laine, London. WOC.- N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... es LADVERTISEMENTS.] The aoivautagecrnltg to purchasers of WINES and Isli Sprrars, &c.,from Wrar~se MORTON, Old Market-place, Ripon, are ma that from importing them himself. he is enahled to offer enurorara ine ties at the prices quoted. a Kh The engagements of Mr. MOSELY, Dentist, require his i constant attendance in Leeds. He may, therefore, be consulted every ? day at his house 3, Est ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C HURCH PASTORAL AID SOCIETY. SERMONS NEXT SUNDAY. Oot. 26th. ANNUAL MEETING on MONDAY, Oct. 27th, at Seven o'Clock, in tbe Royal Ifnetitutiof. Jos. ROBIN. s-ON PZASE, Esq., Chairman. l3r. BATLEE, Principal of St. Aidan's Theological College, Depu~is n. BIBLICAL AAD ORIENTAL LIFE. -AK COUJRS of Popular ILLUSTRATIONS i .AL& BIBLIAL and ORIENTAL. LIFE will ?? be delivered in the PH2LMOOPHICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iHE PARKGWYN TIN MINING COMPANY TIMIT bTED. hsanikited for wnorking thie Parkewyln Till Oile, which io hr-d ester lease at a royalty of one-c-ighteenth on the ores sold. CapitaLl 25,060, in 10,000 shares of £2 Its. each. f Six per cent. guaranteed for the first year. FiMe *hillings per share to he paid ,)t applicatior, and -El otl iliot- mieut. N-o future call sellt exceed ts. nor 1e made at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PE-OPENING of QUEEN-STREET.CHAPEL.- This rlsee of Worship1 having been dlosed for paintn and otberi inrosesnnts, will be El-OPENED ?? Nextussy h !Tesll yfesrch inst.. when the Pastor, the Rev. IV. THOMSintnd to Preachs on subjects suggested by the 200hsiesr ?? msents of 1(52. Morning service at 10.30; vnn evc t63.Cl lections will be, mnde towards defrayingth vpnesntretirno vatinog the Chapel.D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROWN A343 rOLSONi'S ir3 0 W D ER S T A R H, JL ?? 1842 This StaOliI! was first Invented and introduccd by BRow'N and POL- eotN, and the Quality has been held in the highest favour byt families who have used it for twenty years. 1) 12275 c ;p)UY RECKITT'S POWDER BLUE, IJ.. in packets, and see that their name is ott the label, as its eplendid quality has caused a host of inferior imitationis. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E-OENNGof QUEEN-STREET CHAPEL.- Plae f WrsI , having boo-n closed for paintgan other ipropevemnt~s, will he 1jE-OPENED liD.V.) Nent .Sanssal, the rwesss_ oJ'tsri. inst.. when the Pastor, the Rev. IV. THOXAS3 intend~s ?? by the 2O0th Anniversary of tin Elect- meets of 1.002. Mrnng service at 10.30: Evening service at 0 30. C.,- lections will be made towards defraying the exiienses incurred in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EEDS MECHANICS' INSTITUTION and kJ_ LITERARY SOCIETY. Dr. EDWARD PICK (late Lecturirr in the Ulniversity of Vienna, Leipzig. Heideihnrg, and Paris), has consefited to deliver his Lectirs~' n MEMORY, sod the Rational Means of Improving it ini the Hill of the Institution, on the Evening of ?? e &fy it, 'riiil ?? and Subscribers admitted free on produacing their tickets fox the csurrent half ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. jll toe- ftannr1 .Odoirciueasuss tlarouagN a file Pa , ayse, jr or. -ordedt ts Iut Pr-spec Pasrhc,% 'no lthe priclers henne ate more teas - - JAlureeo [cop-ra-le Zer a:ad uoualitrc) aind Co, taol lanplitanis ore oS -_ ?? rite, _un 710 to, ?? -p-p , = _ 'd1 plicau ?? neo ins a inj case thee COtRINAL tesBtiuED ti ani, Ite celIOOM;S c-cite. r -rjil notlerequircrl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUTH-PARADE UH P L ?? j, ietv 4HRIST C UbH ?? be- t.SERMONS willbv iece nti hrh onob h ir b F.J. WOOD, LcnrS.Ptr;Atrnib h tvj . T cCCI1EA'N'E MA., ?? Hl rnt veigb h rin, and R1ev. P. KI tl IVLRco ?? olej~o~ ,Will he wadle inl aid atliA(rin9 In 3 110 -1 HIJRPCH M1SOAY OeT. h C XJ ANNUAL SE.MOl ?? led l-3Mor,m; (Siole~ly) 3Aoy Tiveolt.1j'th, 18I - IN Till;, MAOlNI-,t;~ At'Bums~vw, by ?? J,.1R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tie exlent to which our space Yor ?? oJ general is often trenched upon. by accounts of Olub Anniversaries, the passing of Iegal and Medical -E aninatitns, Treats to Workpeople, and private e.tertainments of various kinds (all of which are 0J very limited intere8t) comnpen u.s to announce hza such accounts can hencejorth be inserted only as paragraph advertisements. W ae also Compelled ...