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Advertisements & Notices

... JNICHAEL.sTRBEET, PORBTER- STEET, HULL. 0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, TILin One or more -Lots as mlay be agreed upon, all those TWENTY-FIVE MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES, eight of which are situate in a street leading out of Porter-street, called Michael-street, in the Lord- ship of Myton, and the remainder are situate behind the same street, and form Eliza's-place and Simiuson's- buildiags, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE PATENT LOOKFAST' BREECE-LOADING GUN. 0 Gentleman ebould purchase a Breech-loader without learning the principles of the Lockfaet, the solidity and shooting powere of whieh are gained by a patented mecbanism, which can be applied to no other gun without infringement. By this construction the barrels and breech are locked together bv powerful leverage. Equally adapted for Sporting Rifles. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEDS RELIEF FUND of the Suffering Work- LU people fn the CottonDistricts. Treasurer,-WilliamaBeakett, REq. The Committee esit daily in the Grand JuryRoom at Four o'clock. D 23132 THIS EVENING. THIS EVENING. VICTORIA HALI,, LEEDS TlHT (FARE RAND MILITARY PRO- IE,.ADE CONCERT by the ofthdistinguished BAD o KINGE of HANOVER'S HORSE GUARDS, prior to their leaving this couttry. E 24253 IrSIC-HALL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVE1rTISRcIENTI. The engagements of Mr. MOSELY, Dentist, require his constant attendance in Leeds. He may, therefore, be consulted every day at his houe, 3, East-paradc. Mr. Mosely Is in possession of Roya letters Patent, 'No, 397, for improvementsjtn the construction of Artidial Teeth, G 79 The advantages accruing to purchasers of WINES and SPri ITs, &C., from WIsLLIAM MORTON, Old Alarket ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ip {ILli-O~iIIC r .Ik lLL, Huddersfield.-SISTERS SMEC~Ife10 ARTITURt NAPOLEON, VIEUXTEMPS, andj I'A f~tsy I Vedo P rdaa, J,,eaan-y Tieaty-s1'eosal, at Mr. WVOOD`,~ pj COYC'E(T:t cosolwmliL in time for Train to MAirdield, Dewiibe~ry, Ij-IBEA (TRE ?? VAL, Hunalet-lane ed.Th GOGE1'OUs 'S PNTOMEIIE, ?? Seven. Grand r~HE LEEDS RIFLE GAZETTE.-The Fronli-s- T1.p -o-, d1cimoitM 1, T. Sutclitle. Es1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .4ionep. TANTED to B3ORROW the Sum of £1,500, on good tecurity. at VO6 per cent. Apply to Mr. Beniamin Thornton, New-street, Hrld- dersfield, B 9011 S UMS of :ts, lOs., Xi, £2, £3, £4, and £5 ADVANCED on , jewels, Watches, Silver Plate, Books. Cloths, Wearing Apparel. &c. &c., bty George Linsley (late of the firm of Coxon andLinsleyiCbangO AUey, Lands-lane. Commercial-street. Leeds. G 4252 c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C(OUTHI PA BADE (H1APEL.-Tc-mqerow, the r' rj Th. C. L'AIIACHI-; of Wsstforil, will PREACH Morningnit-I - Event ?? U 25118 A QT. CO('LUiMB`A'S PRIE'SIYTERIAN CHURCH, )z!3Wt uunkf0,LtSE6LANE. -Thle tier. JOER KELLY will t'roelii, en te (iilb. ~e . i-vil -611. ?? lannuig tet Estilo. 2 5397 at it. and MN PI S. PA M Jl, i OF AMEIIIC.x, is Rilc Elul17LIGMcI:S .lRVo inl iCRNILCHP V'crr-lr-v 7 '-ii' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IE ottiiig1cY. a diizt~ructiotni from lie. John Jackson, to ?drI' 1tri po the premoioco of the Ilat?M Jcsn S 1r Iv I'l- I a Alaailo, tli Eiqlclh dagv1 ?? thle Cp'li.tlI ALL11w~t 1i4b'e TOSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fr TL' ~L . jie ee excellent BILLIARD TAULE, bus, !e 0 1TToIITlt. at twelve OrClocIt. F Ism1 Ci: T~ ?? F, i ioeef. Pt half-paol one, On thle premlozes, r itlorinas's-irilditing, Liverpool.C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADVERTISEMENT.] FIRIE INSURANCE-The following talble, compiled fromii the official returns, exhibits, at a glance, the increase of duty paid to the Governmeeut by the different insurance offices, metropolitan and iprovincial, during the year 161. The Royal, it will be seen, stands, as before, at thie very head of the list, and maintains a rate of progress very far in advance of all its rivals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED KINGDOM ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH ' U COMPANY LIKITED.-CE[EAP TELEGRAkPHY. 1 A 'MEETING of Gentlemen interested in the establishment of a as i Cheap and Ellicient Systemn of Telegraphy, will be held at the Chamiser Ad of~ Commeree. Park-row, on Wlednseday (THIS DAY), September Off the .Osrvsiteesith, at 500neo'lock DARNTON LUPTON, Esq. Predident of the Chamber of Corn. at] reerce. will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4-ales bpi AltctfOi.. GALLrRZ OF inCH-CLASS PAINTINGS BY ANCIENT AND MODERN MASTERS. T SKIPTON, YORKSHIRE. T Itessro. HARD)WICKS and BESfT have reeeived instruciseons fromi-the M, Executor of the late John Carr, Esq., to bell by Auctionj without e reserve, on Wednsedayl. Thursday, and Fr'iday, the 15th, 16th, and I 17th does of Octobier nexe, in the large room in the New Town. Hall, Skipton-in ...