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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... blc Koticts. ilof L EEDS, in the County of York. IPOX J-:ENT ACJTS. -ii rtttP ha at Meeting of the Council of the inl lie' county of York, tnly- cenveriral, aitl hield T.111 iii otti I firi thle ?? acric.,airl, on it Liv ci J10I'.' lie-a thoutsanid eight ItIn-Airiti Ja-c.Ctes Kit:' ci. Es- qtire, May-ic. iii tite, wr- 'llii'. -rst-) thep ?? ii Cte e-'id ii a- l--il tr ?? -i ( 'iiirici ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7~TY EV.J.CAUGHEY will Preach in Lady. ?? siS Leds.THIS EP`RNJNG sand To-111arowrss evesninq at Tu o ur.,dssav there will be a FAREWELL T 'EA. ~ IlN. I~elO S. eah. Eiily application for tickeltsisrequnested. Az 11392 I~V WHOL of th E XHIB31TION UIa JIW WN HALL, TO-DJAY, at Three. A15903 _-kxP kAE LAUTRENCE'S PICTURES, every evenig THEIATRE ROYAL. E 11951. ~Th E VTJDEY GA COMPNY. -The 'los N ay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFRES'R~NT ~ROOMS, WAI(EFIE LD and 1JLlE:Pis 'CENTRAL RAILWAY STATIONS. Breakfaste, Linebe,,, Djmodse Teas, Wines. an I' S ,it. HJ~E ALLI1ANCE HfOTE f, RES~TAju RANT~j and T IlNIUG-ROONM, 141, Briggate, Leeds. Merchanlts. Manufacturers, Conamerejai Gentlemen, andlothem- Leed,~s, Will find this esltablishment replete with diseotic; comfort. Dinners &.ily from 12 to 3. Tea and Coffee at any hour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sjf8E.J.CAUG'HEY will Preach TLUS' Pas seen 'clckinLady-lanle Chiapel, i1~i ?? hlf-pat sevn o'csck,14253 ?? E srETHODIS CHPL Quarry -,'.o'neat seven o'cok olcin b oie B p~lLiCY OLDE S of the NATO A Ii '1VIDENT INSTITUTION. fte, 1 ?? having occurred at your _k. t-- ,Q - Mo rier miyself as a candidate in his place. Li Irifold standing. soil from myv father having, beeii I'lic'XIk-' Ntional Pr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIV~ARD BAINES arid SONS, Lt:Etis MERCURY-OFFICe, 78,. AL~RION-STIIEET, BEecrrte every Description or PRBINTI NG 'SLDItBOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCIJLAIS, CARDS, PLACARDS, Re. BY NEFW` STEAMMatirare W~ith the atmost Despatcb, and on Moderate Terms. ?? is open, and Orders are received, ?? all hour, of the Day and, Night. C 15)76 TTiATION XHB -ITIO.N -P-RIZE qlI rAT Uawarded to HUAYMMRRSTo-N BROTHERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T)REMITIVE METHODIST HAPEL Qary I I~o~k - SCHOOL ANNTVERSdRY.-THIS, F. yvrNV,, 1,,,s s?,14th, a SERMON will bre ?? in thle abo~ve C, ipel by the11ev.J. S. WORKMAN. Wesiclyan M,~inisterofIdr M Bld tile school. flunds. ilb rl E 14374 M atonC-agOftLL AliII-AtrCet, o~i -Under thie Mayor of LeedsJItsnE,.,Ed Yolins.- l'1 M.P., . 5. Beecroft, ?? Dartson FItn.EId R. T. i. Bb'aies, Esq;. Daltn ,!t n, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day, two vols.( Crown Svo., 14s. B'ARRlEN H0:N OIUR. A Talc. Ev the A*utlios ol Gsy J ivingtonC. Reprinted from Fr-lso, s Its ?? Itord~on* 1',rke~r Son, and l~ours. West tra It i) l'4'7 Jnst publisjhed 17th edition, Svo, cloth 16s. post-free OMcEOPATHIC DOIMESTIC MEDI)IHNE, by L J. Lalrie, MI.D. New Edition, with Appendix giviesg tshe treatment for Diphtheria. No medicine is presenheil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REV. J. CAUGHEY wjU Preach THIS Nl, p(;. it Half-past Seven o'clock, in Lady-lane Chpe, B' ?? 71480 ~LD~ CHANICS' NSTITUTIO.N and IJ TPR SOCIETY,-ANNUAL SOIREE. ?? will be held on the evening of Th,,rslug, lkAt,.ti,- sext, in the Victoria HIIal. PIIEiSrENT. tigtit lion, the Earl GRANVILLE, K.G. '-tilaris, will be announced in filtnre advertisements. D1 14855 I ej BIteak ]RETRIEVERt DOG~. If ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p~t'ROYAL MNGERIE, Boar-lane, ?? ,'~itC~iviigon ft v ?? ~efih, for a few days .jU1' 4>t; of allliving ?? thle CHiAPANZEE or ?? liigseien in Europe-, Aaccomuo, Ii n's w ?? ; a pair of Zebras tn) Tigers; Onthelgstodest-arnangcd collection ot Six i.-- %I0-.ys oaizaino Hor2fprooac,.2 3, 5, .~7inio ?? ?? ILAM )IADRPoreo.E 13222 -rjifltlA~~ih of HR.H. the PRINCESS ~AL ICE. 1( ',7RITS of H G.D3.1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITES. VJndw s' Patr-onage of Bogevaltg and the Aristocracy of T) OWLA~~~NDS' uMA~CASSAR OIL. vers~ .J.Ij Tis Eegit ald Fragrant Oil Possesses wonder- IUI~y 0nrlaleilg poers for promoting the growth, restoring Al andbeaielylfg te umaon Hair, It Prevents it from falling, off orturnin greycleanses it from Scurf and Dandruff-and anud makesit bautiollysoft, pliable, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'AEIADE CHAPEL.-MI.. THOMPSON-, riji rx RADE- CHAPEL T( owj , CIIA68WELLERI, B.A., will Preach Mominig andI ?? (115230 ?? MCHA NfS' INSTITU'I'ION and J 1 :IZIARYS)C SltjtTY.-~A7,NtJAr SOIRE. ii 011fI'El will be lelil on, tile evening of lhed, '7 1\ . I' ?? 5C0t. i the Victoria Hall. PiRstnIMHT. Ti' Iliolit Hill'- tile Earl GRANiVILLE, R.Gh ?? ihb.OlI~llJ.HIl fltore advertieen I, ?? JOI~i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? the Vicllcvc School, Farsiry, lilF tcndiino DEBTS of tihs r c-isly (Gatt Cron- I fi r il iii itotci.Sale Onci ?? Is,2 .rc llrit-tiast. sever a eta ill ?? JorYal Guerinsey 1 lifette br- Sai-cci Di'so siclre ?? rc arc, S1kipiori. w-a Is ii tcsteas~trc l y Mr. FAIV0m ciP croons F N P ~ cc c ~ ?? (tics eil koaciai carp, crrtr ti SIl tic ?? 'ltre HIcteIcycelr,, Skipt irn oilcrci~iy fira I i It y ...