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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... blc Koticts. ilof L EEDS, in the County of York. IPOX J-:ENT ACJTS. -ii rtttP ha at Meeting of the Council of the inl lie' county of York, tnly- cenveriral, aitl hield T.111 iii otti I firi thle ?? acric.,airl, on it Liv ci J10I'.' lie-a thoutsanid eight ItIn-Airiti Ja-c.Ctes Kit:' ci. Es- qtire, May-ic. iii tite, wr- 'llii'. -rst-) thep ?? ii Cte e-'id ii a- l--il tr ?? -i ( 'iiirici ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7~TY EV.J.CAUGHEY will Preach in Lady. ?? siS Leds.THIS EP`RNJNG sand To-111arowrss evesninq at Tu o ur.,dssav there will be a FAREWELL T 'EA. ~ IlN. I~elO S. eah. Eiily application for tickeltsisrequnested. Az 11392 I~V WHOL of th E XHIB31TION UIa JIW WN HALL, TO-DJAY, at Three. A15903 _-kxP kAE LAUTRENCE'S PICTURES, every evenig THEIATRE ROYAL. E 11951. ~Th E VTJDEY GA COMPNY. -The 'los N ay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFRES'R~NT ~ROOMS, WAI(EFIE LD and 1JLlE:Pis 'CENTRAL RAILWAY STATIONS. Breakfaste, Linebe,,, Djmodse Teas, Wines. an I' S ,it. HJ~E ALLI1ANCE HfOTE f, RES~TAju RANT~j and T IlNIUG-ROONM, 141, Briggate, Leeds. Merchanlts. Manufacturers, Conamerejai Gentlemen, andlothem- Leed,~s, Will find this esltablishment replete with diseotic; comfort. Dinners &.ily from 12 to 3. Tea and Coffee at any hour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIV~ARD BAINES arid SONS, Lt:Etis MERCURY-OFFICe, 78,. AL~RION-STIIEET, BEecrrte every Description or PRBINTI NG 'SLDItBOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCIJLAIS, CARDS, PLACARDS, Re. BY NEFW` STEAMMatirare W~ith the atmost Despatcb, and on Moderate Terms. ?? is open, and Orders are received, ?? all hour, of the Day and, Night. C 15)76 TTiATION XHB -ITIO.N -P-RIZE qlI rAT Uawarded to HUAYMMRRSTo-N BROTHERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FoR PETERSBUG TOWN DIRECT, Den4rtuig at Cutom Blouse Quay. YIIE; Splendid New Screw Steamer ?? P. A N T H ERlt, Captain JAKES c uTrE, ie intended to leave Hull, on M 6 lh[ONDAY EVENING, JEly 21st. a bue VessIl has sueriorcabin ascommodations. BROWLOWLUMDEN & CO. BUL AfND HAMBURG. rn HE Steamer R O L A N D. '1 Captain PAHL, for HAMBURG o on THURSDAY EVENING, 24th inst. This Steamer has superior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T)REMITIVE METHODIST HAPEL Qary I I~o~k - SCHOOL ANNTVERSdRY.-THIS, F. yvrNV,, 1,,,s s?,14th, a SERMON will bre ?? in thle abo~ve C, ipel by the11ev.J. S. WORKMAN. Wesiclyan M,~inisterofIdr M Bld tile school. flunds. ilb rl E 14374 M atonC-agOftLL AliII-AtrCet, o~i -Under thie Mayor of LeedsJItsnE,.,Ed Yolins.- l'1 M.P., . 5. Beecroft, ?? Dartson FItn.EId R. T. i. Bb'aies, Esq;. Daltn ,!t n, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day, two vols.( Crown Svo., 14s. B'ARRlEN H0:N OIUR. A Talc. Ev the A*utlios ol Gsy J ivingtonC. Reprinted from Fr-lso, s Its ?? Itord~on* 1',rke~r Son, and l~ours. West tra It i) l'4'7 Jnst publisjhed 17th edition, Svo, cloth 16s. post-free OMcEOPATHIC DOIMESTIC MEDI)IHNE, by L J. Lalrie, MI.D. New Edition, with Appendix giviesg tshe treatment for Diphtheria. No medicine is presenheil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT pEI?SONAL REQUISITES. Under the Patronasge of Royaltty and the Aristocracy of' 1 T0 WLANDS' M1ACASSAR OIL. Ne JA ?? and Fragrant Oil possesses wonder: Ve fully nourishiingt powers for promoting the growth, restoring I and beautifying the Human Hair. it prevents it from falling off or turning grey-cleatnaso. it from Scurf and Dantdriff-and( makes It beautifully soft, pliable, and glossy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REV. J. CAUGHEY wjU Preach THIS Nl, p(;. it Half-past Seven o'clock, in Lady-lane Chpe, B' ?? 71480 ~LD~ CHANICS' NSTITUTIO.N and IJ TPR SOCIETY,-ANNUAL SOIREE. ?? will be held on the evening of Th,,rslug, lkAt,.ti,- sext, in the Victoria HIIal. PIIEiSrENT. tigtit lion, the Earl GRANVILLE, K.G. '-tilaris, will be announced in filtnre advertisements. D1 14855 I ej BIteak ]RETRIEVERt DOG~. If ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY pRIVATE:CONTRACT. T Oa Light SPR .NG CART, nearly new.-JOSEPH TODD, No. 43, Waterworksatreet. ~ROUGHAM FOR SALE, the propet fagn b teman having f it lt. builder; single, or for api ot~2.Js etrd painted, ?ew lawpS,&., ic hc thsntbe uwed. W1l he Bold frĀ£5-pl oM ATN Auctior eer, Boowlalley-lne. TO DBUGGISTS. 0 BE DISPOSED OF BY TENDER, the old IL established business, 70, Mytongate, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sjf8E.J.CAUG'HEY will Preach TLUS' Pas seen 'clckinLady-lanle Chiapel, i1~i ?? hlf-pat sevn o'csck,14253 ?? E srETHODIS CHPL Quarry -,'.o'neat seven o'cok olcin b oie B p~lLiCY OLDE S of the NATO A Ii '1VIDENT INSTITUTION. fte, 1 ?? having occurred at your _k. t-- ,Q - Mo rier miyself as a candidate in his place. Li Irifold standing. soil from myv father having, beeii I'lic'XIk-' Ntional Pr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAY FOUNDRY. CLEMTENTILORPT], YORK. InI tile Matter of George lhot C.,Iort. Edward Calvort, George Henry, Watt Locking. atti Francis Cialvetrt, of tile city of York, Irouifounsiers, btaukrupts., fy Al Extensive Sale of valuableb Working Tools, Folorldry Iinplonsent.5, o. Attirie, sil,, otmi1 tiier p,srtant Propertyal Efeots.0 in Mressrs, JgARMICIttS and iil ar favoured wvith finotructi~os ...