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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... THgSULL ?? of the Packet are Trespectfly iufortued that upwarda of fifty news vodont re supplied with the Packet at 6 a.m. every Friday morning. Any subscriber resident within the i of the borough can have the Pack-ct delivered ?? s a.Um, if ordered of a newavendor. Mt flabberahaw, 16, Norfolk-street, delivers Beverley. ,-ad. Mr Colle, Chariot-etreet, delivers Spring-bank and Beverley-road. Ur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MISSIONARY DEMONSTRATION IF .1i in conneetion with tim UNITED METHCTDIST FREE RP IECES in the LEEDS CIRCUIT, will be hold int the Victoria - Ea! , on Wl'odnesco/ec ?tet, Ocist',, .Tteeooy-ninth. Tea on thle tables ~ at tyre o'lok Ifter which at Failic Moctlling chair to be taken by W. IhUNIIT, TReq. Addoreioses still be delivered by thle Rev. J. new (ITXTRItDGE, of Shefllicied: 00ev. J1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'ublic ARotfcez ~HE PATENT CAZELINE IL, safe, economiical, and rilian, fee romanyoffnsie sell, adapted to burn in any 1'oraifn or ?? Lmp. Sod at I. Id.per gallon. it The PATENTCAZELINE OL possesss all the essential qualities a- vhic hav lien s lon'deiredas ameas ofpowefulartificial light ~t is aroaned pefectlysafe n use ft isfree rom sell, and is most S -t-ronIOIcoel, asbyis i abrgt and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T lHR EIULL PACfET.,hyers of the Packet are Lroe pactfally inlformead thaC upwards of fifty newsg vendors are aspplied with the Packet at 6 a every Fridaymorning. Any subscriber resident within the limits of the borough cam have the Packet delivered before 8 am.u, if ordered of a newavendor. itr Habbeihaw, 16, Norfolk-street, delivers Beverley- road. Mr Coly. Chariot-street, delivers Spring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HULL PACKET.-Buyers of the Packet are T ?? informed that upwards of fifty news vendors are supplied with the Packet at 6 a.m. every Friday mornirg- Any subicriber resident within the limits of tbe borough can have the Packet delivered before 8 ?? if ordered of a newavendor. Mr Habbershaw, 16, Norfolk-street, delivers Beverley. road. Yr Colley, Chariot-street, delivers Spring-bank and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T OWN HALL CONCERT SOCIETY. GRAND) CONCERT, ncrxt Saturda'i Evenfing, October Eighteeolh, 1362. ARTISTES. ADELINA PATTI, SIGNi(R CIAM1PI, HlERRi LAIT1i, ?? hERR ALFRED JAELL, G~rand nrgan ?? SPARMI u,,nductnr ?? STR1AICOSCH. ReservL,l numndered seats, or Balcony, 3s. each. Plan for places at M~ezsrs. Holykinseon', Corusaercial-street. Second seats, 2s.: back seats, Is. Deers open at half-past ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ble 9We.f E SPECTABLE Apartments, No. 1, Lewis-street, N'ew Leeds. 13 20709 '0 be LET, from year to year, and may be entered to almost immediately, a detached commodious DWPLL2;ING- t MOUOSE, ?? Grange, which is seven miles fron Manclestr, by the Manchester and Liverpool Railway. The Barton Moss Station f is at the head of the avenue leading to the house, which is about a mile from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTrSEMENT5. The engagements of Mr. MOS Yy,: )entiSt, require hlz constant attendance in Leeds. He may, therefore, be consulted every' day at his house, 3, East-parade. Mr. Mooely is in Possession of Royal Letters Patent, No. 9SW, for improvements in the construction of Artificial Teeth. a 8879 G WELLINGTcoN BOOTs,9 handsome in appearance, low in pxice, and durable in wrear. B. COaLIss & CO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *bahs bp 3jribate C~ontract. ¶Qou~s0, ?IanD, &-c. Hj lE Plan of a compact little ESTATE, for SALE Tat a low price (near Bi ugicy), can he seen onl application to Mr. J. Buckley Sharp, Auctioneer, Bradford. VG 22285 0b be SOLD, a Corner HOUSE, in Meanwood- rioad. It contains, two ofittiug roomts, hi tchen on ground floor, andthree berom,1rice £225. Apply to Mr. Hindle, Pack-row. G 22330 mube ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYL eeds.-AMATEUR T1DRAMATIC 'PERFORM E by MEMBERS of the LEEDS VOLUNTEER RIFLE CORPS, Thris (Friday) Eveeuing, October Tnuth, 1862. under the Patronage of Lfent.-Col. CHILD and the Officers and Members of the Leeds Volunteer Engineer Corps. 'STILL WATERS RUN DEEP, and `THE ILLU6TRIOIJS STRANGER.' Boix Plan at Mr. Buckton'e, Briggate. E SOSO5 mHEATRE ROYAL is NOW OPE-Nand entirely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V .JJU . 0 , 0 ' ?? ~ . 0 i. ~ I T E LIBERATION SOCIETY. - A PUBLIC TMEETING to promote the objiects of 'the: Society for the Lit erationcof Euligion fo lt arng n oto, ilbhl an the htock Exchauce Hall. Leads. Thisvening (Tesday), October Tol 'viirvjii, ?? 192. E. BAINE~i, Esqi., II.P., in tlle chair,' when J. ('irvs Wl illiasis RoSi., of London, nod the Rev. H. W. Parki LLon. o I 1 atil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A.HE DISTRESSED OPERATIVES OF LANCASHIRE. TO 'rus WOn~uR81 -uPr TrOOEt MAYOR OF Lstrns. we. the undersigned, request your Worship to call a Mneeting of the inhabitants of the Borough for the purpose of considering the pro- priety of originating measures in aid of the Distressed operatives of the Cotton Districte. Beckett and Cr.. Jas. Atlay, D.D., Vica~rni. Lupton and Co. I Marshall and Co. ...