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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... S&ERMONS,. LfT.1 tS0i' hS 1PEbAALE ORPHANAGN o and DAY ISCIOOL, WULINOTON STRE&T. Oa ISUNDAY, Itihb Dcrember, 1868, (ftmedlatoly after the first Caopol of the last 13ass), the Aenjoal Charity Sermon, i'n J blahialf of the above Orphanage and Day School, will bo yeeaaled In the Church of ET. FRANCIS XAVIEIit UPIR'it GARtDlNERnSTRETI2, by ?? rtev. C. L P. FOX, 0-y I ond In the Evening. after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Presh teryr Marlboronughstreet; Dec. 6. N NEXT TIIUR{SDAY, tbe Festival of 0 the limaculave Corcep:ain of the Blessed virgin Mary will be celebrated vitu great solemnity ir ttio Cathedral, Faulborough ?? His Grace the Archbiltliop will slig the High Hass, and the Sermon will be Pri achrd alter ?? Gospol. TIe Solbron Vespi is of tbo iestival will be eelobrated In the Ait-rijooo of Wednesday and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TL On THItSEVENING (ilionday), January4tb, the per- forreances will clorfmenae wltb the favourite domestic Drawa entitled A HARD BTRUGGLE-Mr Trevor, Mr Od1ll; Rlsa- ben ilolt, Mr Huntley; Forgue Gralhan, rtr Sydney Bancroft. Lilian Trevor, Mims Katherine Rodgers; Amy, Mlas Smyth- ien. To conclude with the new Christmas Pantomime, entitled PUBS IN BOOTS, and tho Faiirls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. Y I MONEY I 19ONEYI1i lYIL c t1, MOORR-SmTu (Heat Bonry-stret). MoUey I liberally advanced, tn lale or jssus 5 150, on all mr.des of valosble property, GOLD or SILVER PLATE, EwLERYL aL , at the Licensed Pawn omw, 10, ?? (aean _roar .Oit Sn. A Prie sOmfe. isaptsach~sd A ?? douy confidential. M01 ~~~p GRAT ET~ ,ftiJ RAILWAY. ENNIS FAIR, SATURDAY, 2nd April, 18i4, on MONDAY, the 4t1 Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. 1 8 I 0 N T ?? P The underaigned beg to draw the attention of theb Trade to their present Stock of New SZOKCD IfIDDLY9, 8AtlS, OAMSJOLES, BFEEP, PORK, 11LADDERED LARD, CHEES, &hc, &c., ill of which they offer On the ?? reutonable terms, IdNALLY, BROTHERS and CO. (Late liehael Smith),. Provilbn orcbsatst COPPER4LET RSAIMBLE 8TREEr. mall,2t lPFIN D PETROLJE UM._ P TURPENT1i0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrIJEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- M5R. HARRIS bo9 tishhonour tea ?? the Engage. ment of MR. AND MRS. DION BOUCICAULT for a llrolted yerlod.-TJIIS l fend4Y) EVENING March 28th, tho perform. ances Will Comcetrte with the lagilhable Farce of THE LITrTLE SENTINIL, After which will be revived the celebrated Drems, ithree *ctl,by Dlon Boucicault, RsQl,ertitledTHiE COLLEEN SAWN; or, The Drldoa of lGrryowen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FTIE QUEEN'S ROYAL TEIEA.TRE. | Crowded and Pasblouablo Housesll.-Second Night of reard's Grand Burlesque of Rumplestiltskin ?? Week of Mr. ilendereon's ceiebrated Drmatic Company, from thF ?? of Wales Theatre, Liverpool, under the direction of Mbsa MIRIE SIDNEY-THIS EVENING (Tuesday), May 80, the performancoe will commence with the Petite Comudy on. titled NAVAL ENGAG ?? Kingston, Mr W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr HARRIS bas the hononr to announce the Engage. moent of Mr. and Mrs. DION 1OUCICAULT for a limited period, who will appear In an entirely new and original Irish Drams. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), November 12, the performance willcommence with tholaighable fiece of THE SZCRET I After which a new and original Drama, In three Acts, entitled AURAII MA-POGUE; Or, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. ERMAN LANGUAGE1. CT7 Dlt. SCIIULTllEIS, frocu Hamburg, Professor of thra Goiman Langu,%ge and Literature. bogs to Inform that Card of tcrms and all particulars reapecting Private LosoariS fin attending Schools may be had atbtlno osidence, NO. 30LP ?? 6RAVE-STREET, KINOSTOWN; * r at Mr. Tilomrfs Webb's, Bookeolhr, 47, Lower Sackvillo.atreet, Dublin. ?? DAY and EVENING CLkSSRiS meat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. -G1tA SOUTEN AND _E~i RAI AY DILDAnEH MUNT STREPLEHASES M AT PUNCIESTOWN, On 12th and l3th April, 1804, SPECIAL TRAINS (let end 3rd C~lue), toill leavO ?? Terminus each day from 10 M.m. to 11 a.m., for Galling, and wml lRetsur, ?? I romn a p.m to 7 p~m. Blisec a Fares-Return Tickete , rrom DUBLIN to SALLINS And BACKS let Clase, 4d ed; Ord Clues, S. Od. The Ticket. Will be available ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T LAST NIGHT BUT TWO of the PYNE and HARRiISON RoyalEnglieb Opoera Company. THIS EVENING (Thursday), 12th May, will be produced Wallace's last Opera of IBE DESERT PLOWEBR, Captain Maulice ?? Mr W Harrison. Oanita ?? ?? Miss LoUlIS Pyne. To-Morrow (Friday), May 13 (lasttime), Mr W C Levoy'c imosi rcuectseul, Opera, entitled FAN C13TTE, With the second and third acts of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEWS ROYAL THEATRE. Trom en dons suecssg ?? BIOD cl n t t, THE OCTOROO1¶ (wilth bttirely now scauery), ln whicb Me,- dames FANNY and CA9LOTTA ADDISON, Mr. F. DEWAR (ol its principal London Theatres, and late of ?? RoyeI, Dsblil), and Mr. EDWARD SAKER, the popular Camodian (from the Theatre Royal Edinburgh), who ne expressly ei gaged for the pr4otlon of thi3 piece, will appear.-THIS ...