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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. BY COMMAND OF HIS EXCELLENCY TnE LORD LIEUTBNANT.-SATURDAY EVENING, February 27tb, willboperformed Colmanb' Comedy (compressed intothree Aets), as THE BEIII AT LAW-Daniel Dowlas, Mr Odell I Dick Dewlaa, Mr B Bancroft; Doctor Panglose, Mr Granby; Beery Morland, Mr O Eond; Steadfast Mr Hluntley, Zeholl lomeer.nn, Mr L Willmot Deborah Dowlc, Mrs Seville I Caroline Dormer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]lVEBYONE intereted should inspeot the Nelw Pahnt Rotary' Vowevl' Wahing Machine. THIOMdAS. BRADFORD, 283 DAWSB)O TItECT DUBLIN. ,3~RCAf9TfIfE SALES. ~~ Wheat and Ame~~rloarn Maize. 1 T o B SOLD JIX'AUCTION, en ou DAY (Friday), 20th AprU1, 186t, At the BRtOKEits SALBEROOM, CORN.EXCHANOE, DUBLIN, At MIalfpaet Ono ?? procliol?, Abont 2,000 Barrelso the ?? qlity MllARICfi WHEAT, Arrived this day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'VERYOliNE interested should inspect the 1 ENew Pmt ont Fntary Vowel' Wf.hlug Machine.o, THOMAS BRADFORD, 21, DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN EIOUSES AND LANDS. 0 OBE LET ia a ready money Neigh bouu T bood, with or without a Flue, an Ol1 EJsibhilhd .GROCERY and SPIRIT ESTABLISUmFIUr, with Retell License paid op to October next. Filxtures, with gal Fitting, &o, complete, which will bo given in at a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? T z E1 I R O N Ai ?? CURAPNESSI DURADILITTI 0OWFOAT Steel Collars, ?? ?? 1a, ea. c steel Cuffs, .. . .. 2,. ed.a. pair Agent for Dublin-M. MORA, Shirt Matenftcturoe, 1osi1r wad Glovor, l, buTFrIIN§S GllUZN, OT110U, froram of DAweon.etreot) e4 IS RAILWAYS. ID)LA D GREAT WSTIJt1 | RAILWAY. ; ATHiLoNE RACPS. Go TUESDAY, 20, and WEDNESDAY, 1t1h AprilU 1i6t, lat, 2ud, and ard CIs,, EEiTUN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ow Rexady Is Mo10., laney cloth, FriCO Nd. THE FLOWERS OF JUNE; or, MO ITI D 1 OF THE HOLY 01{08T. Id _ ?? The i LIfE OF O'CONNELL, Will be Bound In 2 vole, by D the Pibhllser, on the following terms:- Cloth, Boards, Lettered, per voL ?? ?? Ia 0,1 fr Half Calf, Library Binding ., ?? .. Is 8a R NM Back .Nturma*r can be supplied, lt DUBLIN: JOHN MULl.ANY1, I. PARLIAMITSTREET, m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, Oreatl and Attractive NoveltO I 1-MeOnamies FANNY and CARLOTTA ADDISON, and Mr, ADDISON, of the Thea- Ires Royal, Drury-lano, and Olympic, London.-Pasitively the Last appearance of the Honourable LEWIS WING- FIELD for sonn ?? appearance of Miserse MiZNRY and CHIARLS WEiBB.-THIlS EVENING (Thurs- day), June 23rd, the performances will commence with the extraordinary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. - hE Proprietress of QUINSBOUO' BHOUSE (tho new portion of late Quin's Hotol), take8 this opportunity of returning her grateful tbanka to be Friends and the Public for their kind patronage darlng the Summer, and trufts elhe contemplated arrangements, both ID the Hotel and Boarding Departmonts, to secure tber coimfo t and accommodation, may meet with B continuation of thel- ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. EW X LIVE PANID LONDON AND (JUE GLO E INURANCE COMPAIIT, ESTABLaUlaD 1830, Empowered Specially by Prrilameot. Invetatd Funds exceed £8,000,000 Beerllug By an Act of the last Session of Parliament the Globe insurance Company of London was amalgamated, as from the g9th September, 186b, with the Liverpool and London Com. pany, and by a clause In the Act the name of the letter Comrtany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. F DUUATION IN itAN * E ST. PETER'S COLLEGF,, near CALAIS. PattroDn-im Grace Mgr. PARISIS, DioPho Of Arr, Bouaeone and St. Ooer. Supertor-Vory 11ev Canon F. CREVECOE lR, Asolatod by twelvo rerl,lnnt mnaters. The Studios ore Claseical or Ceommerclal at ths Option Of Varerts. Engis~h formspart oftbe dally lnractlons, Terms, 301. tes scholastic yetirno extras), A deduotion for two or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'HEATRE ROYAL, DUJBLIN, I Last Four Nights of the Ensagemo nt of tiS3 BI&TZ. PlAN, tbe groat Tragedlenne. q* Hier atrngeonrt hor the principal ?? ?? will Peltivtly prevent bar longer leay, and to meet the n1lmeron1 Appilcetions that have Ilready been made to the manegement, places in advanee may bh esecured for every evening during the engagement coom- mrenecd on MONDAY, October 24th, in her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - SERMONS. S tIORT~~I TNF STREET. find PRRIENAL'A 'nuN Id 5MAI.P ORPH'lANl 1-1J0g. GgOROE'S.eILL-Oo SUNDAY. II h Jan., fit, ?? 12 O'Clock. irm'oi'dI131Y after tIN Firt. Gosob of thle loot idall. the AN1NUAL OltA Ri7Y SI' JSION, in aid of the Ponr Roman CaohcitO tichnilf of Sr. 11,i101AN'S P'Atl11q, w'hI tie Preached in, the PARO fIliAL f HUII4H, Noitrft ANNE STPPIFT, by' the R11e. W It /ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH B I RO A GE. THEAP21ES5M DURUAILITTI COMFORT Steel Collare, ?? ?? la. d eaebh Steel Cuffs, ?? ?? ?? I d.eapalr, Agent ior Dubfln-.1-H. MOCAN, Shirt Maunfacturer, Tfoalor anD Gloer0, 18, SrIfSEhEW OIEEN, NORTH, 'forner nf lweeofsotrret)l. 119 0 LEGAL POSTINGS. ?? the Matter of 1 NTOTICE is heroby the Goods of Willias given that, pursuant to the Simpson, late of Bsally. Slatne 22nd end 29rd ...