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Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION SALES. nO B OLD BY AUCTION, .by r. ?? TALL, at 8, 1 ork terrace, Beverle-yroad, on VeEDN l.SDAY, Septemnber 22nd, i869p, at Eleven ?? (by order of the Propriel or. on a:eount of removal), th- whole of the neat HOUSE- HOLD FURNITUIRE, China, I essert and Tea Services, a smnll collection of Cut Gltss. a miniature Billiard Table, two l)ouble and two Single Barrel Guns, a six silver kvyed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T, L THE H TJ L L P A C K E T IS PUBIISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Vnst3mpe3, TworPENCE I Stamped, THREEPENC E, | UNSTAblRED. STAMPED. 2d. 3d. 1ERt HAIF-YEAR (CREDIT).. 5s. oa. 7s. Gd. DrrTrO (IN ADVANCE) 4s. 4d. i6s. 6d. TO ADVERTISERS. The Scale for Short Prepaid Advertisements will be , follows. From the country, Postage Stamps car PC sent as cash. An Advertisement of 8 ?? 6d. 16 , . Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pAINLESS AND PRACTICAL DENTISTRY BY I R . S I M E O MNO S E L Y S U R G 1E3ON 0I D E N T I S T, 15, WHITEFLIARGSATE, The sg stcen of Painless Dentistry originated 1)7 ,r. S. ioseny, and now recognis!d as oue of the improve. ,nenlts (if the age, is within the reach of all classes, A(lvantages are perfect immunity from pain, n operatilos, stumps and decayed teeth renldered usef7.1 ],,oe teeth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TER PRESS ABLISHMENT, A2ND TI.E S OFFWCE .nof LETTER-PRESS PRIYTING, CIlt. ., STEAM POWER, with Care, Attention, and Despatch, upon the most Reasonable Terms. THE GRAND PRtO.1OTEIRS OM'l riEALTHi. H ° L LO W A Y ' S P I L L S. The grand secret of attaining happiness is to secure R)od health, without which life is stripped of all its pleasures. The first irregularity of any function should te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE H TJ L L P A C K E T IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, .vaitalped, TWISdCE. |Stamped, THEtEpNsC, | UNSTA14PED. STAMPED. 2d. 4dS D;TTO (iN ADVANCE) 4.. 4d. s. 6i. TO ADVERTISERS .~e Scale for Short Prepaid Advertisements will be zflows. From the country, Postage Stamps car blet ?? cash. ent Advertisemest of 8 words ?? 6d. ,, ,, 16 , ?? is. Od. 26 , ?? Is. id. 36 ,, ?? 2s. 01. 52 . . ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAnvzaTIxEs7nTs.1 COtNS.-XINSTANTAXEOUS AND EFfEOTUAL CUnH OF CO3N8, BUNscio, OAnnosRITIs, NAILS GuOW1$O INTO TE FLESH, and EvXvy Dli3ODJs oF TEM FRET without catting or ransing the slightest pain, by a procees kmown to and can only be carried out by MOorn J. PloADn.-Mos. T. PcAnD, Practical and Experleneed SURGEON CHsMopoDraT (from Parle and rondon), anatomiaol profeesor of the pathology of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fAVEUTIBEMKNTO.J T1 =.-A valuable invention patented by Mr. SrROif NoSPLY. These teeth are cheaper, more durabie, and more comfort- eble tban any other desoriptlon, and ame ?? from one to a orm. plote set from 4e, per toothb Bete from £i. No extraotlon of stcmps or any oPeratiOllaost3ary. ?? EAst~Drade. tbta1li8hednpwa do of fifty years. _ _ _ __ _ _ CoRn B.-IWAqNuvBoua FA z=A1 Cma Or Do1urse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO DEIS8 I-A=m Ieavra WW~o asd aassbt Omass ?? an to All esasas' to 7s5'tuD ?? asA for!. iso 45angcas wil WOIhav $OriieeonflaSl. sommmiun%, but Rmarlentd Nursery Governess Wantsd. £2ZW dls gnt ok 1I)XQUIBED. Ia U sml chool In the cauntya u ldys W NUTUJUNIO AR TE HNIR. Address L. L, Post. d *W ANTEDBGUVEBNESS. cop ton teo hasun nls on, WithNgoedmuseed mud y nnder 00 yeurs of age. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... luitc t ME. JORTHU'ESTERN RAILWAY_-Notice is hereby J.71givn tia4theiO~ ORINAY H~l'YEA.RLY GENIM A-L METIG f HAOEDINALRY otHeA ?? CompnY el?]be eldot te oficO oftheComeflY N[S22 noionerii. genere torcbsee o tt ~ n Weduodaythe 10th day of The eeb thepayentof te ?? ll~O Onlot Match next. February, fl. J* H~ARE, Chedraman. teedos, ?? 02 Wkt F DIIANj Qtcretagi l0O'H.A ~ IHlWY. -Nutico ifi herby .N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PrPOSITION Ito the NBh ~RVM~ IL The EETIG ?? ?? 33orriotere' ROOM01, Town Hell at 7.2.Afl ?? -us~ invited, CHA& HEED, ChalIa iO&I .1. ,Abo-tit Invited. W IL.BUBRELU emsrtr~t boosre APTIST SOHOO LoJ~~oaldi.LE Fby 1h 13the Rev. J. 009 lO.fl511lT hnEenn.Fb 1h gt 44gsto'clock. TopOPI AU. is cheby en, that the ORIAYG0IA UISHArEHOLDER4 of the ?? ilh Si lth N~ts ~o. 15. Albion-street, Loes, nS ~te2t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 TO ADVERTISERS. 'PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements uonder the following heads, viz. a ,inleo bp Vifate onttact, I 'go 4e Aet, E i 'G ae, I Are inserted in this3 ornal at the undermentioned charges, IF PAID FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION:- I Any day (except Saturday), 6 1. for TwO LrNnii, . And for each additional line; Gd, 5On Saturday ?? 6d. per line. L Tbe ?? two inew ...

Advertisements & Notices

... go be eLi. OUSE to LET, in Cliff-road, Woodhouse Molr. , i Apply at Mr. Dnak's. G 2238 t0 LET, the VILLA, at Woodleeford. Apply to Edwd. L tohin eand BOn, 40, Call-lano, Leede. 0 16702 OUHE to LET, No. 8, Albert-grove, Lovell-road. . Bentet£12, Apply W. Brownyidge, 17, Dyaretreet. 0OBDEN-T.ERRA E, 'York-road.-Two five-roomed HOUSE9toLET. Apply to Mrs. Bexter. on thoprancissm. ri 0 LET, a ...