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Birmingham Daily Post

Advertisements & Notices

... -'PtJPUBIC NOTICES.' rj~EtnrVEMAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY C1~~IBP OFFIC'g es, Q1SBUI 1PAC LONON .C Chairman tSir. Georeinn at VieC a Ian Coloel ?? Y~oRX8AME AND LANCASHIRE BRANCH OFFICE: IBYROM'S BUIJLDINGS, HUDD.RS1,7FELD. bistrict Manager: G. IL. COTTON, Esq. Agents: Mr. G. H. NO~s Welng ?? Bennett's Mill Mr. joffN WrIsga2n 4, (lot c Terrace, 'Ilcbmond Road, Handswortb; Mr. isigessace `Wmsrso ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRADESKENi't ADDRESES TESTITONIALS from MTedical Men assd _ A,,'9iU'4Y t ~others, of PAINLSESS DENTAL OPERATIONS per-nmmed byMr. BOWVATEII, nolier the inhtlence of NIT3OUS 1 OXIDE, or Laughing One*, nar he seen on anplication. r ')OWATER'S PRIZE ARTIFICIAL TEEETH C defy all competition for NATURAL APPEARANCE, I MASTICATION. ARTICULATION, and CO'MFORT. t Teeth biaed from BB. per Tooth. Upper or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHE AP PBEP.A ID A DVEBTISBMENTS. For consecuti've insertions of the cladses of small Advertisements particularised below, the follow- ,ing are the Prepaid charjos S. d. 2 llqs (eiriy words to .s line)..0.. Ditto Three ?? Ditto Six insdt'tione ?? ?? 6 3 and 4 lines (eiglcf Words to a ?? I 0 Ditto Three insertions.. , ?? 2 0 Ditto Six ?? 0 Thlese charges apply ouly to the following classes of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WSS REELING receives a limited number of young Lodie. to OAR])and KUCATE Thehousoflesituato fin the taod~es heathypar of uttn, sithn ashort distance of the 55dwih ver fciityfo te rcetln f pupils. A German ,td Mis Kelin. Ah Tee ous. Stto Codficd. 320 N~EW PUBLICATIONS. Pries Is., per peat Is. Id., iN DEFECTIVE TEETH, as the Unsuspectetd Cause IL0 of various Forms of ConstitutIonal Derangement, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRADESMEN'S AD A NTEW MACHINE, T HE EUREEK,', (Hand Lock-stitrh). PRICE £.. Jos. COMIPETE SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR DRESS3i1iNQ AND FAMILY USE. MIANUFACTURED Bly O S E P H A RIS ORIEL lOtu.SE, 41. BULL STRE ET. DIR ?? (Next to the Frieonsl Meeting Ilo,, AGENTS WANTED. ING ALL CHARGlfS. THE SET 401, 5s~Ylit They never change Colonr. orDecay. orhvwe&'L rIErH can be fitted over the most tender ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q ?? I ON!DFE Primo Fat HIII;ET andOOWel. pime Fat SHE. ptite8 Dovwn-calvnng Ileifera:aned eovs. C-osts anud Calresatfrcil43 and. tore Pign , uantityof Foowl. Dairy of elluldiethir r lots to suit pm chssers. &e., &c. Ohet; WvILLIAM lROLLIS c Sale at I o'clock. -, ILu AMrII( Sale Ground, Fox .rd Dfbs Inn, Little Sutton. TRADMMEN'ST ADDIs SEWING MACHINE MIEDAL,, AL'WAYS GOOD ALIKE. Seeing that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wnleather g, tud dush: nsoP ttid tbrt oomev, Rzorr ~ ' ?? 1411.- be Sold ch. O oto 11PhO.idl&t- J ciflto_1;S'~ l300010 Dog C~art. erlynciw. rrico£12,- t;ol jtiltiohtgh seoil3; ritill al rol ver Ifti leCI--Al;ial,, Obo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMuSENEfrS. THEATRE ROYAL, BIRMIN.GHAX. The Theatre having ?? TliEdsEAe. DECORATED, Is now OPEN EVERY EVENING. and until further notice, Shakespeare's grand Play, -A MSD9U ER N'IGHT'S DREAM.L With entirelyHe, F_ en Dresses, and Appointmlents: a Powerfal Company increased Baud, Chorns, and Ballet. Mendelssohnt; cole- brated Music will he performed. Dloors oven at 7. to commence at ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRADESMEN'S ADDRESSES. SEWING. MACHINES - GREAT REDUCTRON IN PRICES. THRE LITTLE ECHO, INCLUDING ALLiATTACHMENTS, PRIC-Ek'42s. THE 1WEIRY 4S. 4 '2 - THE RAYMON D 42g., USUAtLY SOW55e. JJOSEPH HARRIS, 01'- ORIEL HOUSE, 41, BULL STrMET, MRMIM G/HAM. RTIFrCIAL TEETH and GUMS on the Perfec A System. Artifirial Teeth firmly and painletsly fixed in ?? Fmonth on an ,1hnljivo emation Drinoiplo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SITU.TIOINS VA~JAIRT W Ay' e~ctaoek7an Latdy, as Co~fcckonm sxgtn W1AoNTE I0 fora dst-cs Ladie' Boot Shoe Vstablishment aioG; g Viun 'aIy as an ppenice;1-doors.Go ?? WTAyTlD . an Cexperiepcjs yo = )ad~y. for ?? Xv Shp. Geed rsfcri'cesteq ardAddress J. 0. P.. root Oh~icc,VWelvcrbajjptonj.* c91N4 _ Wirss.Chamber, ~Fous.Prer Nre eti Kt~ itlchen21. General, Plain Cooks. - Mrst. Niblett~s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUBLIU 1liauuneaLt ~y~- 110~ ~ v3 LtLO s..7.n f'or Five Nights only -qi~TBrE 0'Vzk TENgncement COMEDY COMPANY, I Qf itr.1p1*i 'V tig k c nowvit Artistes:- St), tiae tile [Tr, r.EORGE JORDA-N. ;ifi .ORD. SI Ar. CHIARTIE HORSMAN. M:%j~ilt~tt' Air. T. tiC APPL.EBY. M FLNSap r F ' ~k and Mr. C.DT. 1PTRIfll. 4:5A; Jiv nuRS | Mr. H1ALFORD. aid ~ *1ior0 -,r. T, .7. SEFTON. TS'rr~rerd ll. Jun i tli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; . . flE&MEN BDRE$BA , - . TEEtlK NEW .; BICHORD PICCOLO GRANb MPROVE8NIXT I PIN NOFORTES. I N m~t. ' B iO PICCOLO GRAND .IT ' 7Mk-PRP.iVIF;'NT s~iay hoe seen and testoed at 3roH, RRINS- AobD and e ON83 18, Wignore Street, London, %V,, on and after HrfI : --:NEW - '3B1OHORD PICCOLO GRAND , j~rv.1-ROVErAE1NT is the latest invention, by JOHN BRINS- 1EAD.and lSONS, 18, Wlnigore Streot, London. T ...