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Advertisements & Notices

... A Nursery Card. On Rollers for Raing, 24 by 18 inches, 6d. or 7 staemps by post, WHAT TO DO and HOW TO (O IT. DireCtionS for Immediate Treatment in Twenty CaOes of Acodest and Sudden Illness common to Published by JA3aBa Eirs and Co., 48, Threadneecle.street, and 170, Piccadilly, London. : 3 8(15 a 1OSELY, ?? 3, EAST-PARADE LEEDS, a* and ahfalI. P-m Tr on PAn eaINLI DoETtOO. Free ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A umber ifvery eul ORSES arealready entered T A~.for this Sale, and partieul~nrt of others intended for the same . can only be received up to ton olclock this morning fox the Serond Sl Edition of Catanlogue. HKEPPElt and SON8, Auctioneers Maiton Fortnightly Fit Stock S al& - Mmeers. BOULTON and CONSVABLE waill Bell by Auction (without reserve), at their Ma~rb in the Cattle Macget, Mtoltn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BITUDDERSFiELD i)INE ART and INDUSTRIAL 1 EXHrBITION In connection with the New TEC}1NIOAL SCHOOL and MECHANICS' INSTITUTE will be OPENED on SATURDAY, JULY 7TII. 1885, by A HIS GRAOE the DUKE of SOHERSET, KG. AEX ICIBITS must be in not later than raturday, Juano 16th. AUSTIN KEEN, Secretary. B3255 c RA N 1) THEATRE, LEEDS. EVrerv Eveninq during the Week, Mr. D'OYLEY O.ARTE'S COMPANY in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WafS11 aurtlami the Yorkshire Repository, York-place, on Tuesday next, July Thirty. ji, et, at, twelve o'clock.- Messrs. IlYPPESI andl SONS vull Sall by Aueotlon, O VER Seventy CARRIIAGES of a~ll ,escriptiofls. Rotnies bhorld be made not later thon Thursday, Jute 26th. Also at the lieecoitory, on the saume date, at 2.30, Messrs. REPPER anod SONe Wil Sail by Auction A Nunsboc of Valuable and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW'S WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT, 2O THE LEEDS MEROURYV will contain its customary LITERARY FEATURES, a COMPLETE TALE, the HOME and FOREIGN 1 NEWS of the WEER, and SPECIAL ARTICLES und SKETCHES, as under:- GOOD-NATURED FRIENDS-: ,i By a -larmbling Philosopher. 1 A BALLAD AND A BEQUEST:: An Occasional Paper. I A CONTINENTAL RAMBLE; Interlaken to Kandersteg. XUSINGS BEFORE A BOOKCASE: Afloro about ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BES GI R S' 11iGa SCHOO 0L, T TAI-66LODWE WODOUML N0 . AVio ,c1r s,~,r ?? :7-los. FIRANCIS LUPTON. ?? I)Us. KENNEDY It-w 1cu 1 oc cot ex tuitionC1 jo: Ic , aeccoldioc to the egO 1- nh- IMo,ritior 01( foors of apiplication may to obitiefecr oa i~~1ro LI. It. - Lo~ll7-ZIt-tot, locio iO jtlt inth SO01Tour , 24 G(icr LI ~Q t-i 011001 'It0 rio-it TI 011 in Iv,: Lorryiri-tO loll Macday, 17ib of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A~TP~fADETOAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. J!1lMIX1`fN(i xvi4 be hAtI isl JEa~t.3414la44d Chapel TMIS Cl toor LU I4LX TUOER, ,. TflE, s 994 I4N LAY SC 1OO L. Nil I N 14 ?? I' MCNDAYM, ut '411 L- I 4.LA74LASTER, antd U-. ijN ~ 14 I~l l k 1),,'4tIAE.T vo Grand Cit ?? 13 THIS{ 7tettda'I ]&VENlAIN. by e h. ?? 1'I etv4. IAlo Ii 1 t~ti'44I to tile aum oi A: NOto'o I'3'uchCe1 Co11OliOltI otera LIILARtY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gaks~ bn ffuruon. Yorkshixo Repository, York-Xlac0, 5O5d5L T'n-7dorrow ( T'Jeesdel. Messre. HESPPER and sON- wv7I hold their U1TEKLY Salo of HORSES, CA2ERIAGES. and HEARNIESS as above. Entries of hor3es oaly may be mao sup ts ton o'clocl; thib mornuig. A 6392n This Day, at eleven o'clock, Early and peremptory Sale of Household Furniture anud other Effacts, This Day ( londay), in order to mals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DAILY MEiRClOURuY: IdY POST. I>EB M-11P-M((n ~ ?? 22s. AL -IDo. (Pnm'snrD) ?? 21s. Od. WEEKLY MEDuGURY. TWErni PAGZ3 Ppopriziag ?? JYrclory, 12 pazes, and ?? Sptlea7',S paes). By POST. Fran TILF-1rx (CREDITI .. ?? I- bs. (,d. Vo. (Pu..XUJ) ?? 6s. Od. WEFELY SUPPLEMENT. BY POST. Prr IYEA .,E, 4s. 6. l. ,, s. Od. 1hai POSTAGE otM te lhE) y 21hrry with the lnited ?? and ?? Cllunn-cl Isiu' is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTENTS OF TIM WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT *~ ~~~T TIM, LEEDS MERCURSY OF SA:TURDAY, :SEPTEMBEU 22ND, 18S3. E&LDYS PANE: a Story of To-day. Chapter XXXIV.-How & . Corain Gume Ended. Chaptor Z TV.-Attsr Two XMonths. TEE. LA-ST CRUSADERS: By a Ramblim; Philouiphtr. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS: PHarcs, Rabbits, and Vermin. C MUSIN'GS BEFORE A BOOKCASE: First Editions. I A SUNDRED YEARS AGO: News and Gossip of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEDS LIBERAL ASSOCTIATON-A. MEETING of rae Membei ndof 810 Asno~iatiq5. u,,ibeui. and the Ward otpresentati Il 1hdiHtePiI'S ICALI HAL..o d I FoIDNAY EVEG REI.h' December 7th, at 7 Ooreceive the is Report of the Delegates to the recefnt Refr onference, and othet bmineso, JAB.~rcen NPTSOr ...