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Advertisements & Notices

... .JDNEY VORT. The SURE CURE for AWNEY W ORT. Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaints, Constipatiou F7IDNY W5°ORT. piles, and Blood Diseases. AIDN'ry WORT. This great Remedy acts at J(IDg flY YV the same time on the *rvNEY XXORT. RIDNEYS, LIVER, AND JIDNEY 7 ORT i BOWYELSr p r W This combined action W OEYxlRoT- g vea it ond~rin]power to .(ID-Ey C, cr diseUCAi.i. by causing F'ItEE ACTION of all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. VIBET SEVIC ]JXR S STA.MERS, ,Vil t~ ici~iih~is (nnlaysklv etleepttls) - Wl elBEIAFAST TO LIVER11OOL, NO\'1A,Nlisl.'t 188. AL 8410 r.ii.; 14A'iUJ1l)AYSAt'140 'I .Netle-OOFrIidTi3l, l1tti unil V.7thj; acid~ head-Ic,, i~ttl: and Tariolpiy, 16th, tile 'Iteainiec ill iljtiltOO iielfait tdill Calm; I'gr,11bit thiiult Tnitiyage. MOt QTI ?? ';slartlfl Otto 01 tour beifore the j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a LX Lii ;ntt Ott inn t it TMn t Iii 1IdI?,it' entie 1 ntint ti,.t fii,-ittninti i. ?? In, 'tvn? ?? tnt- ?? ?? fttt inn, tim ' a I nit ni I it, tin, n, nt ttt.n, \d*?lI tin, ix tti* t.n.t tnt! tutu ?? txinlt I it Itint I' tii..ntn Silt, III Stock titint 1?, j) :;I)A'J'1KADS & BEDDING. ? \U]:S LINDSAY A CO., LTD., HAVE 'I ?? N tttnnK A dIlutE tftt.xnjrtti\ Ot' in tnittA' ?? Sitti\,t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. t,2 Bhd LE'S. ON Jl'ASE 1'U1 EV\flT~ .i BUlLDING GROUNI). as Newt-loialdlK load and Plrvson Street'; also at !onIer of Albert Bri de Road anld Newiowvnards Road. Apply at tho Nrva-LetterOflioe; to l). F ltEDR. SPILLER, Jr., Solicitor, 29, lliub Stu'ert or., .1 FRASER, Civil Engineer and Aichit-ct ?? Victoria Street, Befast. ,90( 0 LET, att reduced rent, - & .5. Qtieert'5 r T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... if ?? 1+: ()1'2'L:AV RVJI.-tRllIt'R' /11l12' Ih .mi A ?? . a Pcea' J/a AQuah lip, or 4: n i,: cr (;hcrc' ut!s but svile o10e i{ iiiflltices ?? ,;.Zg zi:o u ?? has the sdci.i e act J. l e, 1Pu is it ,. *. e. v}~ A~-ss Ist, it. i tEA NUT'tS CU'IitLEY,; t C(1.1U1''A1I, OUlI1''/LiU, (I II, ilHN/I NB EL. 121 -i, 1 ?? I'mi .tr tx$lnvlSrG'. i: ., I.;'iN)SAY & CO., LTD., -HAVNE &' ?? INt 1,T.OCI A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (GiENtlAL.\1. AS EMAl]. (ti YT. i:( t; l : ?? l t'iI A R.l'I .I.ISl ?? ViA[ Cli S . i i .1i'i1. 11 D It m p Ie' t.lfu tio ese. ' . ! a i; l ,1 tiz i l.l llrtll ,, I b1:1ll; i1 AN C I t U R LE Y, .l .:1 , 'A r LUL .\ND I E'D TOC1i 1' () () 1' $ LO'X l.S T l'lil;i.s lll 'SI l.]'IIGIOU ; 1l0.\(A' ANCD O( 'il LtT 18, , A. &ELYFL, & CO. FusD;Czi foi 1F ici Pu eios. ] I.usre~i aed al;I ' i.elle anl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * S Ot 1% AIIIAN-(:I EII'XINS IX IssNIYS 1 A ll ?? (il j J ,Ca ?? II.I ;.\V It I ! ill tL e1 I, :t Ilo;i Li OI l ?? lel ti ?? * Y 'Il t- Vt-1,L:I1- Il -~t ti ?? II ! t $%II /t s~itt tI 1 1 \Ii ll -1 ?? ti,: 1tov lae v. ?? If x e t I 'vL III~tt \% It ?? : L~t .tt~s t liiill wh'o Lstv 0 j vi rie :;ol I I,: . - 4. rjilt Chi i t C - . ?? ?? _ _ ?? _ flJ.-_I SMOiE, u 0 u COTTAITS FOREIGNX MA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. I- 2 :rei mrei Bire I ;ba 141 re re fre mi Ifi ha dd R.o 'I el( ta Ia 51 het di th tip li I] M be Sc Cl .1 ! fp0 BE LET, FURNISHfED, DRIMACRIN J1 LODGE, Bundoran, containing three sibt- ting-rooms, seven bedrooms, servauts' partments, stabling, ?? or would be Let in Apartments, with ?? to Alex. Coane, Imp-. inal Hotel, Ballybhaunon. 11692 r 0o LET, SUNBEAM VILLA, Sydenhnrt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CASH v1;1:3us CREDIT. IVt, ALWAYS HOE]) A STOCk OF THE , v' -( St OUC01 :)o h: .tde. Otte ('a(Rh Prtltie: f.. I hev clitic - rle ?? tety lile d 3 r.,p r N;Chl ?? t o il lioro l0gid? :-O a ~ 1 (4 .oj s. Sanipkal and quotationi s on Ui~i 03 .O t ielk. i C NE:ILL CLOTU CO. 1148I - - - - . L - - - - - - A. TAE L[ILLE14 & CO. ..E ..I(Ga rijges antd Broughaes WE}:DDINGS / turued out neatly. FSbrouds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 813%AIL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF SlTUATIONfi ANTIM or VACANT, HOUSES to Lwr or WANSED to RENT, * LODOINO9 WANTI1n or to L:Tr, Bomull WANTSe or OY1-warED, IlusIsNVSSES \ WAVSr or for ESAs. b Losr or 1F'OtI D, Seeciric AIATICLT1o WYANTECD fer SALF., t 1'ARTNIAJHJll='S N\TExr or OFFII:I, Are inferted at t1he following rates, but only when b ?? 2f)20 Welrils S(1, or Six for 2s Gd. SOt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. T0 BE LIST, ON LFA1SE 1F'1 EVER, TL BUJI;LwmG (',T;WKtINU ..1l i ?? Rossi ?? Brysn Ssreet; alt!o aL 'orti'r of Albert 1irkgS ReadTd and Nowtowr-r rd- flt4.-. Apply at tho SrNpe-e.1.,ttrOlliee; to D.Pl;EDIC. SP(LIJR, Jr., Soh-itor, 'J, 11i!h Street; ur, J.Fl F ';lElt, Civil liajlmneer and Architeect, 15, Victoria StrLrt, Belaft . * U0 O1.ET, at half rent, PIMMISIS. with T ...