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Advertisements & Notices

... DDrior L on citli Livery ?? ,1atC0Tpm., It 10W ~2f2I.Ifso~m~4o.iirii gorO. Jetrahln-CahltoI 1 11db-nv IILaa1asit, ,~tCTsic Ulv li'. 1VL & CO ?? jo1l1. li l,.'I.Sjj 1,~ A ioT Siul .lefst ' mtori~m LXItl .heir i3TEAMEUSr, TOirICii CAO)lOIO.AN I)YNAMtltie (IC, iS f-i I' I a,::l Litelilr4 i -% c tt' nl \VI-s tr-c I ,oil'lt siu li i.etWIII i P I Cihi Joct R otT~O ,wl l-b ST.l V I facrucdpooda(C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. Pimaa Nlote Alterationse in Satliniqla aA iuaiceated Service, CLTYDE SHIPPING COM1PAXY. B'ELFiAST TO LONDON DIRECT EVFISEY WED)NESDAY land SATURIDAY. LONDON (St. HatlialhOe DOu*1,) TO IIISLF.AST LIAUCT EverY TUISiDAY unit VWtDAky. VEhlXAST TO PuyMOicuTrH DIREtOT every WElD. N-ESDAY sand SATUIIDAY, and to BOUTHAMPTON Pn VVEDINESlDAY. eatirying Goodsa at Moderate 'I'hrcug'h Rtates to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENCIES T1POR1TANT TO SBIALL CAPITALISTS A . WISHING TO COMMENCGE AS TOBAC--1 UONISTS.-Illustrated Guide, registered (130 de ?? three btawnps to H. AMyers & Co., at 107 to 111, Eustou Road, London. 19324 i fJTUAFIL RESLUVE FUND L1FUN i§ ASSO J £Y.L CIATION, NW 'YOItK. - I'fluential Bi AGENTS WANTED tiroupbouot Ulster,-Ad. 01 dress, J. W., 21862, News-Letter Office. WAXL S. A COMPETENT BOOC) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOfTICE 20 ADVEIRTISEBS. At: order of the Post )itice statts that. letters addresseed to Initialtr or FjititiucAM Na J swill be seng' to the Deadl-Ixtter O.jice. LDLbliu. AdBverisrs )ldcoic;qO~iltly B.) give their fll' tand proper liluates whheis they desire to rceeivP Ceollililnctio7*i~at &t post (Oftic. Leotel -i ell Ile alddressed lie to Ittitials at the Niws-LLTTh n Ollice, as I a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVBTUISEMENTS Co. SIrTUTioxS WVAiI tl, or VAc S. fllf wss to Lir or W'AV: ?? to al:ST, il ?? WNi mI or to Ion he;lrsi>~sls \t .ui re~r or fir S.Al.E, : A3-mci ti ?? L o) 01 1) Nii, SrI:rli Airricli.I ?? let r: iA r Svl', l1,I^I I:Snir*. \ ANxI I:iJ or hi it'ii:ii, Are insiried at ?? loillo%% ilng. rates, blit onlly wlhou. T'vemsid .t tri s 1x c s 20t WorMS i:i], or Si- l for 23 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the proper disehar6e of tbe duties of tbe of ziee and to have a good knonvled6e of ?? aud v ?? vvitb ?? addlessed to the Presidiu Chairluau avlll be received by ule up to the bour of Tsvelve o cloeS; ?? on the above Persoual nttendance essential. (By order} S WlM. SINCLAIR, Clerk of lTniou. Bonrdroom I.isburu 1Sth Jarluary 1886^ - 1087 - - NOTI CE TO ADVERTISERS. NO.ICETO DVICERTISERS. I6RS AN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERITISEMENlTS or SlTUATIONS WV.XtAit'D or NACA\1x, IfOUST to rAT or WAsTiTrr to IREI'T, LonDsos WisErco or to LET, j BLsIID \WAhI tD or Orrrt-jr:r, .lU~ril::eSEF \ 'VANTE;D or fur Sm.U., 4 Awrier'rr s ?? or Fonrn, ASN -i-ripic AaTICEIS AANiT 'D or for SAL?, PAIrf~iti~ll'5 'WANTED 01 OF iFR:ED, ' Are insortcd ait the tollowing rates, but only when f rropuid:-' ?0 Words (ld, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD). F Advertiser, A. B., 0(112, would call at tbe .1 Nesis.ILelter Office he would hear of a Detached House to Let in Douaghadee. 4f518 rV BX LEf. OIN LEAISE FOuR EVERT BUILDI OllOUNIL %.n Newtownards Boad and Bryson Stretl; also at .oruer of Albert Bridge Road aud Nowtownvards Road. Appiy at the News-LitterOlfice; to 1)D FLUEDK. SPILE 1, Jr., Solieitur, 20, High Street; or, J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVEruTiL3BiENTS (IF SITUATIONrS WANT':9 or Vr e Ir, : ItI'ioub to [1. Tr 01W WANTI: to 1UNS, iLob(.:S; W .AN'Iri or tfo ?? AB iA Iti.rW, .t1o.1i or 01' ?? : S10:CII 1 Al:TUI.I:; M ANTl§1:101 Of1' MPI, r PAs:TrSt:sir.; WANTE iD Ofr 10 , i Are inierted Itt the iollowing ratotJ, bit ouly ?? Prepaid:- t0 Words Id, or Six for ?s (dlu - j W0\\ordi 3e, or Sic 0 {I ic, 40 Words Is 6d, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WMALL PREPAID ADVEuT1SELAIDBNT or SITUA ?? WAN-mD or VACANT, Hounsi-s to JET or VATED to lENT1 T LorinmilaNs WANTE:D or to TlwT, BAIA IIND NVANTED or` OrzTEl. tc JlnaotNet:ss WAS`rOTD or for SALc. m A1VTnwi-iS Lesir or FOUND, Syrciyic Anrriitis YVANr.Dn eifor SALX, PAitTlJisjtinr WVANTID or OFMINSD, Are inaerted at the lollowing raltes, but ouly w t 20 W'ords Gd, or Sis for 29 Gd. 38 WOt1d5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .'TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOP TO LET.-A coinmodiouri Shop to Let, ks corlner of Bryson titreeb aud Neswtcwnads Poad, ;Suitable for grocey, provlit), or draperyt bueine,is-Alply, Sh1op0, M50, Xed.Lr-Ltler Offico. (lFFICES an(d Suites of Offices TO LET in 0 Queen's Builditgs. Royal Avelnille rrents unoderate.-AI'ply, 1 Carswell & Sos, Royal Aveuue. , 20.IW : T0 JXT, the PRE7ISES in ROYAL T A`%1LXU1fl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ()ERICOATINGS. : ?? A vE:Y LARGJ: S'iLlFC- ItLUN the Neve9L (;ods ot this ' riclioa, Lext-fi)loiwd D.icaYerz. Il TIM H ilC l n ill 0 E1 O t- 12'i 1t. BcSZ goud:), 1eW.. WvUIr`n1a11hip, ?? ImLLere ilrioes for cash. Xn',cewtiol ;Ilid ?? iObcited. CORNEILL CLOTH CO. 11481 A. .tIELILLEi & CO. Cm riages %na Broughame turned out neatly. Slhrouds, Coffins, and every I L2~ERALS, requisnito supplicd ...