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Advertisements & Notices

... TOP SHE S WD'r SGINS BITTERS XopP, - 2 5 torksorca , s I, BTETERS. H PP ?? te0 Hop Bitters Corn- BITTERS paly (tLimited),rad. rrngou OP I have mliel; pleasure in BiTTERS. testifying to the exceeelingly GOP reatltallueof~oulreittcrs. 11y BITTERS. egrandmothier, *holl is nowt 78 OP ye:rs old, Was taken very ill BITTERS. H vihta severe cold, twhichsettled 1 op in har back, affecting the kid. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - PUBLIC NOTICES. I fl AIETY THEATRE, DUELIN. Last Six ?? of Mir and Mrs KENDAL AND ST JAMES S THEATRE COMPANY, TliiS EVEN. IN; ( Monday), Sept lith (at 8), TUlE IRONMASTER. . Being an English version, by A W Pinero, of George j Oihuets dramna, 'Le Mlaitre tle Forges. Philippe Derbliy (his oriinal character)tMr Kendl! o Cla iretile l~calr ; her ?? cha~ract~er) ?? Menala FriLdy ?? of SIr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4Appo1.WTMNTS W'ANTEZ r'AftETAEER eer Yard MIau; a yone Ilan, 30; can mill, Ukeep Acc0o11ty7. and willing to make himself generally Seaedu; cmn be highly reco~minetdd. A Man, Priestow I.Ir Co Meath. P-58358J CARPARER irlainR crtkro estate. or pre:- test referuicos last employer. co Kilken~ay. Dania Ko-I caedy. BlrowutOiatw, 00 Kl~konity. n5184b1 It IG; Junior Assistant is open to egenntas- J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES A AIETY THEATRE. G For Twelve Nights Only, ITALIAN OPERA, Under the direction of Mr J H Mapleson THIS EVENING (Mkonday), Out 10th (at 8), CARMEN. Don Jose, Signor Petrovich, Escamillo (Toreador), .4co'ir Del Psssnte; Zuniga, Signor De Vaschetti; II Drco.irO, Signor Caracciolo; II Remendado, Signor In: Jldini: Morales, Signor Bieletto; Michaela, Madl~e Rltaiti Bult; Pasouita, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEEOUS TORBE GIVEN AWAY TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPER, 7,iOOO MIAGNIFICEN-T SCRAP ALBUMIS._ XiTE have made special arrangements to present, i' entirely free of cha ige, a maczijilcett Scrap Ilbinr to r verv reader of this paper app: ting for our ,and BonUs Prize Parcel eittiti fourteen dcays. Every red w ill conain a chartming 'Scrt13t Albumt, having a r-rv elaborate cover, bratifbully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. U1LA I E T Y T REA TR E. {JTHIS B;VEN'1N G ffefe$11dYl27 Ja 52ith, at 7 30, *5th Week of tshe enorniouly auccesl Pantomime, BLUE BEARD. The reign of Blue Bearui at the Galety is row ap- Oroching a caonclusloo, but the popularit of the per- ermnnce shoess no signs of being on the wane; on the sontrary, the houses for the past few weeks have been ,rordoed 3aid the andiences ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; AUMTON-S. Ae ?? THIS DAY IN yOrNMt7-ATION. In re the Trust Estate of FS and CO.'T BE SOLD BY T AUCTON, BAINES and CO. THIS DAY (Wednesday), VA1UNES'and% CO. AtM WRSTMORLA.NfD-ST, BAI3 ES and Co. The remaining portion of BARNES and CO. STOCK-LN.TRADE, ?? Pipes, and AR4NES and CO. Miscellaneous Property B) Also Fittings. Iron Safe BAR-lESE and CO. ScalJ.:, Weights, ?? ?? FS an. CO. Sitable to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Y'a ?? at Uretei'r; the iargcst assortment 1 ?? at ?? ?? tree on: appli- 54:5 a -sWtt, 1t4't-t a 1t ieet ,i; quality, design, hera:.t~ -;e I ?? ?? a:.c French patterns: ra r:uary Cardi a ihcl 1 CnGlrca lorch ?? tru'.c: t ser. :I ?? !r a; atet: rt N ?? Draths. ?? . a.( M r;I:oA Vo!lI ,I tt1h1ee Atntou? I el titstsent Yild a, KRIO:n, J-Z (;altOaII irett and :rqu~sicts at \1ahers Drcuzilie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |SVb ?? sat Eaton's; the largest aesortment - 'Lt ?? iS _l.alels sauwpiesseultpost iree on ayphi- is 2eltwe, capet, and be,^i. mquality, design 0;-* :ro kih algihnd Freulch patterns; ?? s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4PP0,rYTM EA-75 WANTED _L~ ; oi;citrjis openlac'pn smnazion GOaAnliata~t tin town or country Office; is conversant with all broches of tie ?? will be found reasonable; highest reterences, security, etc. Address 893.3, Freeman P and amjiry, with a% thorough knowledge or the trade iii ill its varied ?? open to Sti enigagaenett jl' ral tertune., toenr. 7$52. Freeman Offce. di DI % c A icarts a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MLMcLANEOU A ND BLOOD DISF.&SES- imd Spinal ?? It is the maw't se&ucb~zig blood cfienn Yet, discovead, aad it will free thre system from au known blood Pui--. be they 3aiml vegetable, or mIae5 t G Arithis to cure twe ?? fing eio t4m ises rop otci es, Pisaeersand tgrupietkĀ£ ralsto (od i Swellings, Scrvatl and ?? Slle5, Disease or tbe Bones IWhite Sisef.=ss, Peter SeOM. Wip.J~ii8 and Spinal ...