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Advertisements & Notices

... T~i~ orksire apo IT;ry Leeds. MSSRS. REMPPERedWSO6NS' ORDER of SAE At 12 ?? Great ~ ' CARWAGE O~NW Year's naras Sl.when 85 CA 4IAE and TRAPS of all kinds wl enidd At 2o'lek25 HORSES fo atee ocok. do Actin Boms.Leedq. A ?? CTIG, HATS, HEPPER and SONS, Auctionleers, On 18Wtbi~dy (uesay) fom en o furo'clock, Sale To-morrow Larg STCK f DAMODS nd ther JEWEL- Li~itY. a~eeinabe ha&. SONS, Auctioneers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Yorkshire Repository, Adress HEPPItt and SONS, york-place. Leeds,. Thibs Dat, (Td~rorsdas,,, at twelve o'clock. atl the Yorkshire Repository, york-place, L~eeds, instructed. by Mr. A CollectionL of It )OENRNEVRRE SHRUBS, ROSE TREE j and FRUITTREES- Catalogues mayW be bad. OS uto- El E ROE ?? This Day (Tceursday), at one o'clotck. 'fIN2 huadfi Hute Olulcell Of Fine OLD SILVER, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'A PR =NC OF1 TILE BLOOD.4- TH NE W SXIAL STORY, MRD. 3A3~SX ?? wIll- be ctmd In the WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT TO In LEEDS MERCURY, Of TO-MORROW (SATMWAY), Mareh 5th. ln the same iseue of ttie Ieokly svpl rt there will be the eastomary LITERAERy FEAXRES, the ROME and FOREIGN NEWS of the WEEXi aud SPECIAL ARTICLES and SH9TCL as gnder;- FOSSIL TRER33S: A Lecture for the Peovle. A HOME PILGRIMAGE,: The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O XPRD.LAOE-Toeoi~ow,10.30, Rev. ALEX. ARMSTRON, The~oukendeedlaaftative. 6.10, R1ev. GODHUSE- L~QX LLL.O CHAPEL. - ID EHOBOTH CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY.-To Adiesss b Ilva.3. . ohuranandG. arknW.' Bockworth. Res,. ?? hornon, eq. JS. MT~E EsRq., J.P,. will B ELLE VUlE CRhI'EL.-Sunday next, 10.30, Rev. J. T. PARI. Subject, 1 Diine Evolntion.1 i530, Rev. T. HL 1gilISARDS. 4'1 ARDIGAN -ROAD' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIREDALE INDVPENDWNT 0OLL=GE AI-. , VEE&&BY.-i thNUMZSTI f 0fie above -lnt- tation will be eld I the Nal ci theo ilj 2safonr, to Fliday. l the 17th of June, 2867. Tbe cair to be Ua at ?? eleven e'deek to th1 ?? Arer khthO Devodonal Service, the Bee. Dr. FALIN, of Raeherbso Colle will deliver the Annual AddrmI. -Se Beorbto ?? Geors, the Treasarer, and the Binas ?? be read nd thegenrat business ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN HTAT-iL LEEII E DAYS' BLVa 'RIBBON - MISIN. ~Ceby r. G.F. COOK (of M . TO.DAYCMONDA. 12.30 to l30 Peviermngtin ?? Ilatt Ogles, o act bv d 3 MIT(IHE EVEMNNG MBET- fl- Rev.A BE. GBEiNG-a . COOK. Choir of M00 Voices. Qendnct MrJ.XXBInDEL T.W.W1LLA.NS, Eq ,willpreded All free. olleetio, - Doos n at 7; o t 7.45. ?? meet7.30 pt eah night EVENXG. ATE:IGET 80Q E PFOR PROMOqDT3GlOHEIST1A KNOW. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N . a. CUAPEI.B, Dewy.road&am. W. B. As CX, ?? amea, w ?? i Tcghtat S. Collection. A 'Ij~Y CEMETERY.-The Burial Board hereby a~mooleas the OPENNG o ttne cEMI~rERY the CEAI- bIAN (E. Banisbee, Faq., on S~altday Aus 2Dth, at .250 pL ?? to te Board. fflON'S CERIST1 TEMPERNC:E UNION. (GailTemperance Orator)wl gve an ADDRdSS In the Friends' Mee4 ZHouse. Woodho dsy, ust 19th, at 7.30. 3&. JO WHITING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tAVX' E~N NI B S T10}Ri3. -B XQRRY 1EQUJ Sl 1XIAL TERSS to CLUBa. 4) B.IGG&T-E. LED!3 . Tl X4WN TE:NNIS SOES tr Ladies and B MO men. j4[ ewest ftles. Th gie Selection. Baiis, Eaque1t&ec -, 45, BOAX-LARt and 60, 7BBtGGE Aml~ AWN TEN2NIS! ChICKET!! 0UTDOOP .L GAN.ESI!lI and Acfirle ?? Nbts.o - C. WAInDATHLETIC jL-llS If ibwn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Yorkshire Reposietory, Leeds. I 1;8Of HEuSES (be. each) for next 2Wes4efvats- ESale sho0uld be made This Day, that they may be advertised ID 64turdBsy' VaPers; and CARRTM.AG~. BABNjIS, &c.. for the at, ?? sale should also be sent in tluic week. Address REPPsclR and S01.88. York-place. Leeds. ATh tJ 11 Fiia) tI o'clock. Naasemblagge of usflH UF1uDFIJRNfLJE e A eiI.ffetz,6 1'ianoifoxte ad a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... III THIE PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. it jODDER AND STOUGHTON'S LIST:- s. 1Y$2hE GO ~IlEL in NATURE. Sclipture Truths Inlus- iL TL tnlttd by wts inNat-uru. 3B3 i3F's-ltY C. MCCOOKf, D.D., ir -fPleb ,( the AtiLdeviy of Natural Science of 1'hiladelphia. ?? t ?? tea, 6s. With an Ictrodoction lby NV. C1ARRU Tl-tEttS, F Its;, wit's ?? 1k. N tauic hLS been a ditgent and sticcesstil stittittt (11 natture; lie ...