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Birmingham Daily Post


... I Last night's choral rehearsal at the Masonic Hall, which was devoted to Dr. Bridge's classical cantata Callirhie, was attended and directed by the com- poser in person. Dr. Bridge met with a cordial reception from the choir, and was fortunately able to reciprocate the welcome with equal cordiality and satisfaction on finding how well his music had been prepared. In their knowledge of the ...


... CONCEPT OF SCOTCH S Under the auspices of the Birmingham and Midland Scottish Society, of which Mr. H. C. Reid is president, a novel and very delightful concert was given, in the Town Hall, on Saturday evening, by the Glasgow Select Choir. It should be explained that the word choir n Nor th Britain is equivalent to chorus or choral society in current English. The Glasgow Select Choir, which ...


... Planquette's highly amusing opera The Old Guard, al cli nade such a successful first appearance in Bir. ;ai: .anr nearly twelve mnorths ago, Was produced last nioit at the Theatre Uoyal before a crowded and ap- e;-eciative andience. During the past year the opera has mjet with a rmost favourabie reception both in London and the provinoes, and its return visit to Birmingham this weelk is ...


... No N W_ BOOKS. rV.R5it AX. ECGnA NOTE-flOOr. By IAsso TAmoi, PLA., Litt. D., Hon. LL.D., Canon of York. iLcodon: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co.] Canon Taylor has given us here a most interesting and valuable contrsbution to the knowledge ana appreciation of the Mohammedan mind and tone of though~t- Tihe larger proportion of these notes, which record conversations with Egyptians on politics and ...


... BIRMINGhAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL at TEE BAND REELEARSALS. gi a( [Faont our chi (on rresponleftvi] LONDON, Wednesday. fa Owving partly, no doubt, to the sunny brightness ti of the morning, but mainly to the musical interest cc of the selection for rehearsal, which comprised both ni the festival novelties, the muster of visitors at St. ei George's Hall to-day was quite a gay and imposing of one, ...


... BIRMINGHAM HORSE SHOW, EXHIBITION AT BINGLEY HALL The exhibition of horses, ponies, carriages, &c., which is held under the auspices of the Birmingham Agricultural Exhibition Society, was opened yesterday, at Bingley Hall, and will be continued until Friday. A horse show is byno means a new departure in the history of the Bir- mingham Agricultural Society. There was a time when an exhibition ...


... ROYAL VSIT TO GLASGOW. AOPCLUNG OF1 THE EXIIINOl I was thought yesterday morning by the peope Io Glasgow and the West of Scotland that the numnerous ceremonoissconnected with the opening ofthelInternational Exhibition by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and le Princess of Wales were to take place in. a storm of wind and e-rain, for the weather looked very threaitening at nine l0 o'clock. ...


... AMATEUR DRAMATIC PE3FORBUUNCE i ~~AT KING'S HEATa. A very plessart dramatic entertainment was given on Satrday, at the King's Heath and Moseley Institute, King's Heath, by a company of local amateurs. The first piece performed was Theyre Smith's comedietta 'A Case for Eviction, in which Mr. and Mrs. T. Edgar Peinberton impersonated the newly-married couple. a young doctor and his wife, who ...


... KIDDER.MINSTER. LS SCHOOL OF ART PRIZE DtSTR1Lsairos-.-The distribh- tion of prizes to students at the Art School took place on 'n Thursday evening, and was preceded by a conversazione. an exhibition of the students' drawings, and of Oriental a fabrics from South Kensington. There was a good attend- d ance; and Air. .J. Brinton, who presided, congratulated those present on the completinn of ...


... I PERIODICALS FOR FEERUARY. Rhe English Historical PReview, No, 9, is less popular in its character than some of the preceding narmbers. The three articles-which would really form three volumes- are first, a criticism of Gneist on the English Coestiturion, by G.W. PIrothero (who in another partof thenumberrather severely criticises the English translation by Mr. Ash- worth); second, a history ...


... TACHBROOEE. FLOWER SHOW AYD ATHLETiC SroRrs.-The thirty- seventh annual flower show and athletic sports were l'eldl in the grounds adjoinina tce vicarage, yesterday afternoon. The floral and vegetable exhibits were shown in two large tents. Tn each of the classes the entries were numerous. and excellent in all respects. The athletic sports included six events, for each of which there were ...


... TEE GLASaOW EXEIBITION. SECOND NTOTIOL. (By Oa~r O0 Beaursr) In default of any more convenient place, we have, in our first notice of the Glasgow Exhibition, sketched the more interesting objects in the long* nave and in the transverse avenue. The courts E lying to the sides of the nave, thirty-sevren in num- her, next invite attention. Three courts and part of a fourth, adjacent to the ball ...