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Morning Chronicle


... BUOTHERtLy LOVE OF THlE Iluisn.-Yesteiday an inquisition I d was held before T. Stirling, Esq. Coroner,- at the Black Boy, Drury-lane, on the body of Edward Reynolds.' It George Damon, a mason, proved that the deceased was em-I ployed as labourer on the ...


... ed by the ma0st hardened effrontery, was charged with a robbery in the dwellng-lhouse of Mr. Pitt, of BrownloIV-street, Drury-lane.' Mr. Pitt stated, that yesterday morning about eleven o'clock L he had occasion to go from a room in his house, on the ...


... samie time lie wvould he always ready te- to entertain any charge which might he brouchst against bun. the JouN FROST,' of Drury-lane, was next called. Th Ihag against himi was precisely similar to that exhibited against Mr. eW~ ofbii ut as thle'informiation ...


... Bedfordbury; Mr.Leake, of Short's-gar- dens; Mr. WiTI'shire, of the Strand; Mr. Coates, of the same f iplace; and Mr. Cooper, of Drury-lane. I Mr. BEcan' having observed, that in most of these cases the loaves which were purchased from the defendants were short ...


... 'as-brought-before Sir George Farrant, by Ie a constable who had apprehended her at a lodging-house in Charles-street, Drury-lane, charged witit receiving money from is liumber of credulous females, findir Pretence Of abid l. as a -professor of the occult ...


... ny ofan unimpeachable tvitnes, the yoing'gentlehanwho stood nearhim, Mr. Rae (son . of the late well known performer at Drury-lane Theatre), and - to whom he (Mr. W.) was 'guardian. Indeed, 'such was the I continued system: of annoyance. to which- he ...


... ailsusensent of which I concede to you, wilt deliver ,to me your bodies and your purses.-Pemris Paper'. NEW THEATrRE ROYAL, DRuRY-LANE. hi T'his Evenimig wcill be presested. (13Y COMMAND OF HIS 5IAJESTY',) 'VilE HYP'OCRtIT E. After which, LOVE, LAW, AND PHYSIC ...


... k- plied to Sir R. Birnie and Air. Halls, for redress under these d circumnstances-Mr. Collier stated, that he wvent to Drury-lane eCThaettre on Monday evening, and paid 7s. for admission, to thle e boxes, upon the assurance ot the money taker that there ...


... yester- day of the proceedings at Bow-street, arising out of the refusal to repay money received the preceding evening at Drury Lane Theatre after it was full, that Mr. Winston had never seen Mr. Collier before in his life, when before the Magistrates.- ...


... night, and at the close of it, six out of the seven cases were dismissed altogether; and the 7th (the Shakspeare's Head, Drury-lane), was fined 20s., be- cause it was proved that a number of prostitutes were drinking at the bar after twelve o'clock at ...


... Mlater, was brought up, charged with an assault upon a Bow-street officer the preceding night, in the second tier of boxes of Drury-lane Theatre. The officer stated, thatthere was a row between two gemmen, who were taking li- berties with each other's noses ...


... and as Mr cGocyevdteosad this was the first timnehe hadace ~te ellrma h tok tatopportunity of making' BOW-STREET.--Row AT DRURY-LANE THIEATRE.-A Mr.I COOTE was brought before thle Sitting Magistrate fromi thein most recesses of Covent-Gardenl watdi-house ...