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The Examiner


... within these last three plls, for a ?? otfence.sohsfo sila ACCIDENTS, OFFEACES, $c. BOX-LOUNGING BLACKC-4-RDS.-The ?? at Drury-lane Theatre were on Tuesday evenin- disturbed by a pugilistic contest betwee Capt. B. of the-Navy, and Mr. C. a city merchant ...


... her recovery. ; Ott Tuesday evening some msischievrou persons amused ten selve5 by tying a cord neross the narrow psart of Drury-lane for tlte, purpose of throwing downt passengers. Mr. Smi(Vord, ds Holborn, Jtadthe misfertune to hecome the victim ,nf this ...


... wijth a tmost aggravated insult to Miss Baker, of Staf- ford- lace, and another Lady who had bcen in company with her at Drury-lane Theatre, on Friday night. At the close of the perfur~naucee, a very heavy rain falling, they hired the pri- sonler's coach ...


... apit) ei l;-r I eis;i, iul (ler thi e toilos, inix cirotintstances l-'jj. ?? ji 1jiClr, li-' m- lot into Ilti cririag-e -It Drury-lane Flt di , tifi WIo histicmi:chtrnaii slo ?? hotltl' two sneiileols lo te Foot (;uards, pllced at tile (ltoor of tile Treitre ...


... gothis livingby writig petitni, fetters', & f. l9r persons who were in prison. N'itness m-t him itn Suirnday n1ra ht, in Drury-lane; lhe a'-ked Wim to tlke ?? to the ertehlinan of St. Clement Danes. lie accordiriiav tool him, -and the watchroan refusgd ...


... 1obiv of Mr. Ckatrles nM'Larty, formerly an afficer in the .-ervice of the Emperor of Atrina, who fell down -in the P'it nof Drury-lane Thearre, on \teafduy night, arnd expired, jtot at the moment Mr. Kean was re-r eseiititta tbe dcyin scene in Richard the ...


... kneeling oi tlie pantiles. No person could possibly render hier any assistance. About seven o'clock, Mr. Hudson, a performer at Drury-lane, who was illimately we: qiainiled with thedeceased, came and withl great diffieult pe- sunadetd her to come down on undertakin ...


... RByron's Traedy of fllfrino Faliero, that werk being Mr. Murray's property. Tbe Tragedy had nevertheless beenlperformed at Drury-lane theatre on Wednesday. The ATTOP.NEY-GSE1RAL, on1 the part of NJr. Elliston, now moved to bave the injurnction dissolved ...


... a9' hour, the stage came to town first. Mondav evening all Inquest was held: at tte Kean's Head Tavern, Rttsaell-collrt, Drury-lane, before Thomas Higgs, Esq. Coroner, on the body of a young gentleman, 18 years of age whose family contiexions are of the ...


... only a fesw shilings, and. tire clothes which she then wore. 'l're first Bight of her remaining from bhome sbte went to Drury- lane Thearerand. w~as there picked op by a genteel woman, who having learnt tier silrtuation, enticed her to a house in Hart- ...


... Warwick-court, 1olbocnm and at tire aye of30, married a MisS Joh6ltson, aged'22. He then be- camre the keeper of a tavern near Drury-lane called ri the 0. P. and P. S. which was mach frc qulented by tire performers as tire winter trearres. Here Mr. Covemey ...


... arm is ?? obe' sill amorg the machinery, as it cannot be found. Tile steara was stopped by the ?? ereld., THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. TOOMORROW, SEPT. 17, will be performed, (7th time) Gc. RALDE DUJVAL; with theCOItONATION. Afterweluis GIOVANgi : t LONDON ...