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Birmingham Daily Post


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Birmingham Daily Post

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... .. : I I aukrupttly If alirt. I-9- , YESTERDAY. BEFORiE MR. REOS8TRAR WILSON-. Io. sre Patrick Monaghan, of Wolverlhosplon, proprietor of the late Woleerlveohaptons Nsews.-A meeting -for last examination, and adjourned choice of assignees. Debts, £1,273. So. 0d.; assets in suppsoed good debts, £188. 5s. Deficiency, £1,084. 18s. lod. The ?? without opposition, and the 16th of January was ...


... WARWICK WINTER ASSIZES, BEa'ORYz Mu E M CAuN~ELL. The bussiness of' this Asslre commemced yesterciay forenoofi, the learned Judge taking his seat on the Bleach at half-past eleven, o'clo&k The following Magistrates were sworn upon ?? GrandJury;- The Hon. C. L. BUTLER, Foreman ;Sir PeterwYaa Notion Pole, E. P. Shirley. Esq., G, IV. J. Repton, Esq., M.P., H. 10. Wise. Esq., Mi. Wise, Elsq., H. ...


... WARlWICK WINTER ASSIZES. SATURDAY. Bafore Afr. Baron Cluanneli. Monair FEMAT Butnonan.-Rossanna M'PDerinotf. and Betsy Gosling, describedas servants, and each about sixteen years of age, were plred at the bar charged with a burglaryin the dwelling house of Johni Hermessy, at Birmingham, on the Ilth November. Mr. Cockle appeared for. the prosectition. The firet witness called was the ...

Birmingham Police Court

... NaiYllbly Rlict 6rt. SATUtRDAY. The sitting Magistrate to-day was Mr. Eynnersley; bntthe busi- ness wnich came before him was of a trivial character, and occupied but a short time in its disposal. The boy Hayman, who was remanded from a previous day on the charge of stealing some brass fittings, the property of his employers, Tonks and Breedon, Cheapside; was again brought up. His ...

Birmingham County Court

... I 6.0111tig dout F mIDAY. Be W~illiasn George Dixon, ?? insolvent came up for his first hearing, supported by Mr. East, and opposed by Mr. Hawkes on behalf of Mr. Mier, whom it will be remembered had arrested the insolvent. The chidf grounds of opposition were-first, that the insolvent had stated in his petition that his estate was of the value of £440. 17s. Ud. available to his creditors, ...


... The whole of France, and especially the neighbourhood of Evreux, has been excited by the trial of Madame de Jen- fosse, her two soins, and her old sesrvant, named Crepel, for the murder of M. Guillot, a neighbour. Madame. de. Jeufosse, the widow of one of the aristocracy, resided in her chateau, near Evreux, with her two soiIs, Madlle. Blanche her daughter, and Madile. Laurence, the governess. ...

Law Intelligence

... gaiv ?4 littIligma. BRISTOL INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT. BEFORE SIR EARI)LEY WILMOOT. In re Sir William Don, Bart. The case of this insolvent, described as a comedian, came on for hearing on Thursday, and occupied more than six hours, before the learned Judge of the Bristol Coumty Court. Mr. Stone (with whom was Mr. Edlin) supported the application. Mr. Lewis, (Lewis and Lewis,) of Ely Place, ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy Court

... 1-0 N mililygipill 1,4 althaptcLT 91 mat. YESTERDAY. BEFORE MIL. COMMEroSSIONsr B.ALGUY. IiL re Rice Ha,'ris and Rice Williams Harrs., Birnzinghsan, glass ?? meetings for declaration of dividend in respect of the separate estates of these two bankrupts were held yesterday. In regard to the proof offered off behalf of the assignee of larrison, the brother-in-law of the elder bankrupt, (tile ...


... YESTERDAY. The Court sat at nine o'clock, and the following case, which had been fixed for this morning, was at once proceeded with. EXTENSIVE ROBBERY OF GOVERNMENT STORES IN BIRMINGHAM. Thoews Williats, gun maker, was indicted on two counts, frstly, for having at Birminghan, on the 23rd September last, willingly and knowingly sold and delivered to one Charles Clarke, certain stores of war and ...

Birmingham Police

... vOffa. YESTERDAY. Btefore Mr. Kyenersley, Mr. Middlemore, and Mr. Vane Wart. INFvORMATION AGAINST A Buxcse.-Cooper, the Sanitary Sub-inspector, preferred a charge against Mr. Sh utleivorhli, butcher, of Coleshell, for exposing for sale the carcase of a diseased sheep, dressed in the usual manner. The defendant pleaded ignorauce of the meat being bad. Hle was fined its. and the costs. ...

Law Intelligence

... Iralu J4 utdtigmtt. BANKRUPTCY COURT, LoNDo., December 19. (BEFORE AIR. COmiSSIONER FANs) -In ae James Mdlrose and Thomas Edicard Hussey. The bankrupts (who originally presented a petition for private arrangemnent,) were ironfounders and contractors, of 18, Hatton Garden, and of the Phcenix Ironworks, near Dudley. Their accounts extend from January 8, 1854, to September 12, 1857, and contain ...


... . YESTERDAY. B3ENORE MRs. BARON CISANNELL. THlE PARISH EINBEZZLE11ENT CASES. Hotry Gibs and Edivard 9)c-ffluewere arraigned on several indict:' meuts charging them with lhaving, by virtue ofthleirresipectiv'e em- ploytuenis as servants of thle Birmainghiam Board of Guardians, feloniously eusbezzlerd certain sums. of money, the property of the Guardians. Gibbs pleaded guilty to each cisarge, ...