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Oxford Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... May 22, at 30, Upe Grosvenor..street. London, tihe Hon. Mrs. Agar Robartes, of twins (son and. daughter). At 76, James-street, Iffley Road, Oxford:, the wife of W. 3. Thornton, of a daughter.. 11 A R R I AGE S. May 20, at St. Martin's, Canterbury; by theaRev. Arthur Majendie, Rector of Woodstock, brother to the bride, Fleetwood Isham Edwards, Captain Royal Engineers, to Mary, third daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Sept. 12, at Nuneham Rectory, near Oxford, the wife of the Rev. Sidney Phillips, of a son. Sept. 18, at 49, Walton Crescent, Oxford, the wife of E. Eldfid, of a daughter. Sept. 23, at 132, High-street, Oxford, the wife of Howell Goddard Taart, of a son. Sept. 23, at the Crown and Thistle, Market-street, Oxford, the wife of W. E. Collis, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Sept. 14, at the Parish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT HS. Dec. 7, at New Hinoksey Vicarage, Oxford, the wife of the Rev. Halsall Segar, of a daughter. Dec. 10, the wife of Edmund George Barnard, M.A., Merton College, Oxford, of a son. Dec. 15, at Deddiugton, the wife of William Kinch, of a son. MARRIAGES. Dec. 1, at St. Paul's Church, Bath, the Rev, Reginald Vincent Bevillo Pearse, B.A. Oxon, Curate of St. James's, Bath, only son of the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Jan. 6, at Cornwall House, Cowley, the wife of Henrv Naidley, Esq., of a daughter. Jan. 17, at 85, St. John's-street, Oxford, the wife of James Collins, of a daughter. Jan. 23, at Wantage, the wife of Charles D. Adldn, of a daughter. Jan. 24, at Oxford, the wife of T. Gilford Nash, of a son. .Jan. 26, at North G}rove, Oxford, the wife of William Blagdon Gamlen, of a sonf Jan. 30, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF MISS FLORE, NCE AUGUSTA COTTRELL DORMER. The marriage of the Hon. Cecil Saumarez Irby, of The Grange, Taplow, second EOn of the late Lord Boston and brother of the present peer, with Florence Augusta, second daughter of the late Mr. Clement Upton Cottrell Dormer, of Rousham, Oyfordshire, was celebrated in St. Peter's Church, Eaton-square, on Saturday. The wedding party assembled at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4t BIRTI1 S. c Nov. 17, at 8, Norham-gardens, Oxford, the wife of d Re in ald W. Macan, M.A., of a daughter. Nov. 19, at 8, Palmeira-square, Brighton, the wife of a Major B. Hl. B. Boarington-Keflett, 51st Light Infantry, I and Adjutant lst Durham Rifles, of a son. - Nov. 20, at Wardington, Oxon, the wife of George I Loveday, Esq., of a daughter. I Nov. 20, at Chureb E nd House, Great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SAD DEATH OF AIR. COUNCILLOR GUISE. The Oxford public, utll especially the iilihabitants of the West *h'trld, will learn ?? great sorrow of the shocking ?? by -drowning ill the River Cherwell of Mr. Henry Guise, builder and stonite:asOll, Orchard-street, St. Ebbe's. We fear that there can be no doubt thatfrom the evidence that will be forthiconiniig at the iiiquest that Mr. GLiise committel ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD DONERAILE FROal HYDROPHOBIA. Viscount Doneraile died of hydrophobia at Dorerraile Court, County Cork, on Friday morning last. His Lord- ship and ]is coachman were bitten last Jauuary by a pet fox subsequently discovered to be suffering from rabies. They were for some weeks under M. Pasteur's treatment, and had since been in the enjoyment of perfect health till Monday evening, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE EMPEROR WILLIAM. Williem I. (Frederick William Louis), German Emperor and King of Prussiia, whose long life closed on Friday mforning se'nnight, was born oil the 22nd of March, 1797, and wats the s6econad son of Frederick William III., and of the latter's irstt Wife, t li beautiful Louise of Meeklenburg~hStrelitz- Like his three brothers he received a military education, but, thanks ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Feb. 28, at 91, High-street, Oxford, the wife of Henry Parr Mallam, of a son. March 1, at Leys Farm, Upper Heyford, the wife of Urban Malings, of a daughter. March 1, at St. Edward's School, Oxford, the wife of the Rev. Algernon Barrington Simeon, of a son. March 1, at Wilton House, Eaton-square, London, the wife of the Hon. Frank Parker, of a daughter. March 4, at Bradley Farm, Cumnor ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Jan. 2S, at Hampton Poyle Rectory, the ivifo of the Rev. F. h. Agliouby, of a daughter. Feb. 7, it South Parade, Suannertown, the wife of John Lindsey, ef at daughter. Feb. 13, at Marston House, South Mims, Harts, the wife of Edward Sydney Viret, Esq., of a son. Feb. 16, at Kingsholin, Gloucester, tboe wife of the Rev. Charles Davis, of a son. DilARRIAGES. Feb. 9, at D zunstow, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1RTllS. Dec. 27, at Walton Rall, Lady Mordaunt, of a daughter. Dec. 20, at Midgharn Vicarage, Reading, the wife of the Rev. J. L. Errington, of a daughter. Dec. 23, at Islip Rectory, the wife of the Rev. T. W. Fowle. of a daughter. Dcc 27, at Preston Hall, Aylcsford, Kent, the wife of Henry A. Brassey, Esq., M.P., prem turely, of a daughter, the infant only surviving a few hours. Dec. 28, at ...