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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... AKASIIL W E are requested to direct the attention of per- sons ifflictea with mental or bodily decay, nervoits de- bility, inward wastitgs, loss of appetite, indigestion, depression of spirits, trembling or shaking of cte hands, scerbutic and every other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for- ward you the lollowing particulars for publication. For tell years I was most severely afflicted with a had sctrbutic complaint, which broke out both in my hands and legs, but particularly ill the latter; findintg tile ?? gradually to ittcrease, arid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aged'and infirm. In all inward decays, debility, lownefs of [pirits, relasation ia either fex, whether hereditary, or owing to youthful imprudent. cies, this Medicine will afford the tanott wonderful relief. In venereal complaints and ferminal wCaltrseffer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WIitB or other LIGATURES. GUAIOAN- !' eeas vwr every purpose for ARTICULATION and MASTICATING. (OPItNG CO1UGH CURID without Inward Medi- r11ia by the ue of OOHR'S ROYAL ERNAL EDIBROCATION.-The hNoao~t~ nmber of Children that fall dallyvictiis to the dreadlul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... requisites, &c. Way be viewed, arid catalogues had on the premises; ard ef the Auctioneers. II OOP1NG COUGH Cured without inward MIedi cine.-ItI Consequence of he beneficial effects ,,f RI3CHE'S EiMBlROCATION lor the cure of that distressing conaplaint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... painful .1iti-cring, a: ;d l I ger- ous cases, as Deisnses of rthe eliv r, Blilioti, -ir ! ot!ir (Ohstruc. tions, Jaunodice. complaints ia the Stimil h .. rn rvoliq le iit Gravel,1 Dro ,y, &c. Also, those (nColmlainti eciii-ar to lem les at tire itii hrn operiods ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'The Subacription Assemblies are e4'ry riday. _ 1100.PTNG COUGH cured without Inward Medi- eC 1.3ciie.-liCtOCH's EM 1 IIROC'AION for the Cure ofthat - distressing Complaint, the Ilooping Cough. Many thousands e of Children are cured anisually by this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &c.-E ncouraed by th uifim te scccess, st-ending t feir peculiar' methodo rieatmentt in _ tac dura of a few prevaleint complaints, which has been confifmed 0 rue tio eperience of many ye ars it l'arge anid extenrsive practice,. !'Iessft. GOSS and Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... does not furnilt TCompofitiom equal to APPLEEBY's VEGErABLE .IEA, viz, as food and medicine for curing nervous difeafes and inward weaknelies, and a trial will prove this fadi. This wholefome and pcafmnt hrealkfaft, taken in the place of Aliatic Teas, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T tio~~ni, ist the I4ands of ?? Phyficians, are certainly great 'e the and good Medicines, and for Nervous Difeafes drnd inward m Wealtinciffe are the grand fo'urce that modern Prorgffols of Pliy- fic feledt't'tm; blit there are mn ?? P'fn wont witliftanding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... merit a continuance of their favosars. HOOPING COUGH CURED without inward HMtedlceIne-In consequenceof the beneficial effects of ROCHE'S ESINIROCATION for thecisre of that distressing complaint, the HOOP- ING COU. H, his Majesty's Letters Patent were granted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rclaxeation, dand Debility of the Nervous, Vafeular, and Mufeular Syttemns,-that the CAR- *DIAJC'and.NERVO.US TINCTURE, 'for Complaints of dize Head, Stomath,'and Bowels, Gouty, Bilious, and Nervous D~lf- orders, Palfy~and Aihtna, With Droplical Lega,. Chiorofis ...